I bestow upon you this pink leaf clasp of honor

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Shopping on the weekend is a leisurely activity. Online shopping on the weekend requires all the negotiating skills I can muster. I have to wait for the right time and choose the right words in the right manner in the right situation, or sometimes I don't do any of the above and get lucky anyway. Like today. Baba mentioned a book, I told him the price, and he gave the green signal. Yay and alhamdulillah! Every new book is an accomplishment for me. 

That adds another unread ebook to my reading app. I have some unread ebooks that I have yet to start reading, others that I've left in between, and now this one. I think I'll read this one first.  

Another thing I ordered online arrived this week: my mobile phone book cover. In case you don't know exactly what I mean, a book cover for a phone has a front cover that flips open and close. (The back cover doesn't flip, in case you were wondering. No, not even on Saturdays.) My phone cover's clasp is in the shape of a leaf. I know, I know, that design has been around for awhile. I don't mind: it's new to me, and I got it now! I think it's pretty and it IS pretty. #notahumblebrag #totallyarrogantbrag #jk  

When will I stop talking about online shopping? In the next chapter. Until then, go ahead and share your accomplishment of the day. I'm quite sure it won't measure up to the supreme conquest of that ebook purchase of mine, but you're still invited to try.

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