Memories flash by in the flash drive

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Any of you remember floppy disks? No? OK. I'll start with flash drives, then. Back in the day, we used to back up everything to flash drives. One of my friends had a hard drive that we hooked up to the school computer to save all our crazy school photos in. I was the photographer of the class. The result is that I still have photos and videos from that period, and no, it's not because I had an old flash drive lying around. I had a Dropbox account.

Yes, my Dropbox account. It enabled me to nod my head yes when the computer technician asked me whether he could wipe the laptop clean to reinstall Windows. I had everything backed up to a flash drive and Dropbox already. Dropbox is a neat place to store files to share in a classroom environment. Our Class Representative easily texted us links to Dropbox files of presentations he got from teachers.

I never really got into burning CDs or downloading torrents. It's video streaming or nothing. My files amount to under 10GB, which is peanuts in today's world of terabytes. Yet it holds my stuff quite easily.

I lost all my written work that I did on the desktop computer before 13 years of age, simply because I never thought to back it up. 16 is the year my first article was published in a youth magazine. From then on I was careful about saving my work.

Do you back up your stuff, even if it's just cute cat photos? What are your plans for the weekend? I am finally going to continue writing my novel. Any writing in your weekend?

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