When will you submit?

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Easy to read transcriptions of lectures. Rereading an important one:

***When will you submit?***

"He loves them and they love Him. Allah mentions His love first and one of the embedded teachings is that He already loves us. He already loves us. And when we appreciate that we should truly love Him back. He has given us an honour. You know when you, a lot of times young people especially as they are raised sometimes unfortunately in this country you know by Muslim families. Our families, we fail to teach our children what an amazing thing it is to be a Muslim. We just raise them on cruise control, thinking we are raised Muslims so our kids are gonna be automatically appreciating Islam without us having to put any extra effort in it. OK maybe we drag them to Jummah prayer, half way through the Salah, or we bring them to Sunday school and leave them outside whatever and they do what they do 4 hours and automatically somehow they will become righteous. And reality hits you when they become teenagers. And then you come to the Imam saying can you talk to my boy or my girl because they seem a little different now. Ever since they got a license. I don't know what's happen to them. You know, ever since they got their cell phone. I am worried who their friends are because they do not talk to me any more. That's what starts happening. But from the very beginning we are suppose to be instilling certain values in to our kids, in to our next generation. And one of those values is that this Deen is actually a gift; not a prison, not a curse. A lot of times our young people, when you ask them what do you think of Islam, what do you know about Deen. They will make a whole list of things that are haraam. This is haraam that's haraam, smiling is haraam, happiness, joy, taking a breathe, relaxation, having good friend's company. Here is a whole list of things that I shouldn't be doing. That's what seems like Islam is. You ask them what you know about Allah? Well Allah will take revenge, destroy the Kuffar and He has destroyed nations before and He has created Hell-Fire. On Judgement Day He will humiliate people etc. The first thing that comes to their mouth is not mercy. Its not mercy, its not guidance. Its not help. First thing that comes to their mind is judgement, punishment. Here is what I can't do. I can't live my life freely. That's what they think. But you know what the reality is? All other people are slaves, we are the only ones that are free. We are the only ones that are free. Every body else is either a slave to their nafs or they are a slave to their entertainment or they are a slave to their bank account or they are a slave to their job or their career or their appearance or their fashion sense or their car or their house or their payments. And we are slaves to Allah; freeing us from all of these things. It frees us from all of them. We are the only ones that are free. You walk around, this is suppose to be our country, this is suppose to be the expression of individual freedom. You enter in to the High School and you see a bunch of cliques dressed the same. All the Goth kids dress the same, all the Hip Hop kids dress the same. All the the other groups of kids they all dress the same. It like they are enslaved in to dressing a certain way. They have a uniform. This is suppose to be an individual country. Right? This is suppose to be individual. Everybody has to listen to the same song and watch the same movie and then report back to their friends I saw it too. This is individualism? This is what you call individualism?Subhan Allah. Allah has given us that honour that we don't have to follow a crowd, we don't have to turn into sheep. We don't! He has freed us from this by making us slaves to Him."


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