Don't take this personally, but...

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The biggest thing I had to get used to when back in Pakistan? Socializing.

In the States, we didn't have much of a social network, so it was introvert heaven. Over here, people find their way into your life one way or another, so you have to open your mouth and talk.

But I still think I missed replying to a comment on my red shoes today. I think that comment was from one of my seniors in the clinical department. I totally missed it and half-realized it later. I blame the humidity. (Of course.)

Why was I wearing red shoes? My parents love getting me bright colored things to wear. Don't ask. With my parents on one side getting me multicolored shoes, and my friends on the other hand telling me to switch from a black face cover to a colored one, it will be luck if I escape turning into a parrot.

Anyway. Small talk in the States is nothing like small talk here. Over there, you say hi, how are you, good day. Here you say you're fat, nice to see you, are you married/pregnant yet. Or maybe it's just a desi thing.

While listening to a lecture I heard the statistic that population-wise, the largest Muslim ethnicity is desi. Make what you will of that little factoid.

What's your interesting little factoid of the day? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Are personal questions big in your culture?

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