Hanging out in college way after college is over...and closed...

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Over the years my transportation to and from college changed, so I found myself with more time on my hands between getting free from college and getting home at last at the end of the long weekday. I discovered a certain species of college student: the ones who hang out at college after it is over--for no good reason other than to hang out with friends and chatter their heads off.

I didn't get it. Why were they staying there when they could go home? Home, with all its comforts and attractions. Home, with family, with Internet, with books! After some reflection I came to the conclusion that not everyone had as much fun at home as I did. Most people associated "fun" with friends, college, and going out. I'm an introvert and a homebody, not to mention a World Wild Webber and a reader, so most of my fun is either at home or with family. Sure, I love my friends, but I just don't interact with them much outside college or our irregular meetups (if you don't count Whatsapp).

Another thing: most people spend their time at home alone in their rooms getting bored and depressed, killing time on one screen or another. As for me, I usually sit in the room my parents or brother are in. Even when I'm writing it's usually with someone else in the room doing their thing on their own screen. I do write faster when on my own, though, which is why nowadays I've taken to writing in the early morning, after Fajr.

Do you hang out and around a lot, or is home your primary hangout?

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