The Ramadan reflections of Mufti Facebook and Shaykh Google

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I think I should start fasting from Facebook, too. Meaning that I don't look at my Facebook news feed when I fast. Nowadays, it just annoys me. I used to think YouTube comments were bad, but Facebook arguments are worse, because the people engaging in them know each other on some level. It's not randomly picking on a stranger like it is on YouTube. It's ganging up on a Facebook friend because they commented something. Don't get me started on discussing Islam on Facebook. Everyone is an expert on every topic under the sun on the Internet. After all, Shaykh Google is just one click away.

Really, how much influence do you think your Facebook status has on the lives of people? How you live has influence on the lives of people. People don't want your words. They need your kindness. Your example. Your understanding. Your listening ear. Oh, the listening ear is very popular. Combine listening with understanding and people are ready to narrate their life story to you. Especially when they know you don't pass on what they share to others. Yeah, juicy information has a way of jumping around in your stomach, making you want to word vomit it out, but if you can keep your mouth shut, you'll go very far when it comes to relationships. Nobody likes having their trust in you shaken.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you set a goal to save the world and become the savior of every person who approaches you. Especially members of the opposite sex who are your schoolmates or whatever. I've seen this trend of boys approaching girls to share their issues, and girls go all-out playing big sis with them. Really. No. Just no.

Even when it's the same sex, you need to limit yourself. Don't stay up all night giving a listening ear to friends unless it's really an emergency. Trust me, you'll know it when it's an emergency. Most of the time the friend just wants to complain about school and stuff, which is not worth sacrificing sleep over. Friends are important, but your own self has rights over you, and you need to address those rights.

Do you find yourself playing counselor among your friends? Or are you the one seeking counsel? Next chapter has places on the Internet you can find good counsel.

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