To read or not to read, is not even a question!

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I love Gmail because it gives you the "mark as read" option first. Hotmail's first option in the actions you can do with your email is "mark as unread". Why on earth would you put that first?!

I love tea rather than coffee because it's gentle and soothing. Coffee gives me a boost, but then I get jittery and anxious--maybe it's because I put two teaspoonfuls of instant coffee in one cup. Hey, don't judge.

I love my gadgets but I can let them go, too--put them to the side so I can look a loved one in the eye and glance into their heart.

I've learned to love elaichi--cardamom I think is what it's called in English--anyway, my mother likes to put it in the tea.

I've unloved lovey-dovey books--whether they're hard copy or Wattpad stories--and I've picked up on more concrete reading material instead.

Two books which really speak to the youth of today are "Reclaim Your Heart" by Yasmin Mogahed and "The War Within Our Hearts" by Habeeb Quadri and Sa'ad Quadri. Look them up. Protip: some of the content of "Reclaim Your Heart" is actually Yasmin Mogahed's blog content. Go look up her blog,

I've finally got my own copy of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers" by Sean Covey. My brother took "our" copy with him. Now I can read it again. I am quite sure I will keep the mission statement I wrote when I originally read the book. If I am able to put more of it into practice, woohoo! I mean, alhamdulillah.

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