Digital Nutrition

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The holy month of Quran is coming up! Just thought I'd remind you. Talking about reminders, I do take them literally sometimes. Today I went and deleted several game apps off my mobile device, because I remembered advice that said to minimize distractions in Ramadan. I didn't have the heart to delete my very favorite game apps, though. My tapping finger hovered above the quivering apps, and my mind went: "No, my babies!" (Really, and I'm not ashamed about it.) 

I do go through phases when I actually do an app-cleanse and get rid of my most favorite game apps, just to cut down on wasted time. Once, after some time passed after such a phase, I re-downloaded some of them and started playing them again from the beginning, all over again. Then, when I'd deleted them (again), and downloaded them (again), I managed to recover my progress. I did the happy dance all by myself when I saw that my game was at level 30, right where I'd left it, down to the placement of the last virtual tree. 

One time I went in the opposite direction and downloaded a bunch of Islamic apps in one go. I actually used only a few of them. After awhile, I had the grace to trim down those apps as well. I didn't want to create the illusion in my mind that I was more religiously engaged than I actually was at the time. 

A few hours ago, I removed the Candy Crush app once again, but I kept the Candy Crush Soda Saga app. Don't look at me like that. It's for sentimental reasons. Of course, what other reason would there be? 

What are your reasons for keeping or removing game apps? I think I'll keep up the discussion on apps in the next chapter. See you there! 

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