What's Done in the Dark...

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"Your what?" Dominic asked. Hell... I don't know. I just at shot a bird at him.

"When?" he said. Bruh why he so childish?

At lunch, I got my food and sat down. Everyone was smiling and talking and happy. All of the seats were taken except one between Aysia and Logan. I shrugged as I sat down. I'm so over Logan. It doesn't even matter. Within minutes, my phone buzzed. I looked down.

BigLilBrother- Why are you beside him.

I rolled my eyes as I turned around. Dominic and Micah were starring at me.

McKenna- Calm down it was the only open seat.

Idiot Alert (Dominic)- We don't care. Move.

MK 💕- Where too Dominic ?

Idiot Alert- Come over here before I call Drew.

"I didn't even do anything." I mumbled as I got up. I sat right beside Micah and stared at him. Elise was glaring at me, so I turned my attention to her.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked her. She shook her head. "I love your hair." I complimented.

"Thank you?" She replied. "What's going on?" She asked.

"I'm just being friendly. Why wouldn't I be? I don't have a reason not to like you. You don't have a reason not to like me. We're just two beautiful girls that should be able to slay together." I said.

"Well.." She trailed off confused about my sudden change of heart. In all honesty, I only told her their relationship was bullshit to get payback on Dominic, but now we're all equal. We can all be civil around each other until she finally breaks his heart. Then, all hell might break loose.

When we got home, I had to tutor this girl. I sat with her at the kitchen table with her and we went over Chemistry. We finished around seven because I had to start from square one. I walked into the living room where they were playing the game.

"I'm ready." I said. I said. Drew automatically stood up.

"Damn dude. Let her wait." Micah whined.

"You of all people should give me the opposite advice. Learn how to treat a lady little boy." Drew said as he mushed Micah.

"Can we come with you guys?" Elise asked. I shrugged. Everyone just got in their cars and we drove to a pizza and games parlor. I sat down and immediately noticed Logan and India a few tables away. Dawson, Lucas, Aysia, and Chyna also sat at tables surrounding him. I smiled and shook my head. I have never found a true friend in my whole life.

"McKenna come to the bathroom with me!" Makayla yelled. I could tell she was being petty because the other group turned their heads and looked at us. I laughed and shook my head.

"Come on Elise." I said. The three of us walked into the bathroom.

"Why you so childish man?" I laughed as soon as the door closed. She shrugged. Looking in the mirror. We started posing like we were taking pictures. After a while, we walked out. We took the way right past their table.

"We might just have to say forget Dominic and Drew. I want you." Elise said to me as soon as we were in ear shot. I'm surrounded by pettiness tonight. I laughed as we kept walking. I sat across from Drew beside Elise and Dominic sat in front of her. Then everyone else sat down the table.

"I saw you all over there being petty." Dominic said.

"You didn't see me do shit, but laugh." I said. Drew rose his eyebrows.

"Since when do you cuss?" He asked. I looked down. He shook his head. "It's really not cute."

"I'm sorry." I said as I looked up at him.

"Don't be sad Babygirl. I was just surprised." He grabbed my chin and pecked my lips. We all got our pizza and started eating and talking. It was cool. Drew and I will probably never get alone time, but when we do...

"McKenna come play with me." Elise said. We walked into the arcade. We both immediately went to ski ball.
India walked up to me. She looked at me for a minute. Dominic walked into the game room. Logan, Drew and Micah were right behind him.

"You think you the shit don't you. Bitch I took your man twice so calm down." India said. I just laughed.

"You mean you let him side hoe you once and you took him back after I was through with him, so you were the second choice." I corrected she got in my face.  Elise held me back. I wasn't going to hit her though.

"Elise don't think I won't let McKenna know about your skeleton. I'm sure Dominic would hear it immediately." India threatened.

"Actually, I already know about your payment arrangements, and I haven't told Dominic because I don't know why you are doing this, but it has nothing to do with me. Therefore, when he finds out, I don't want anything to do with it." I said.

"Find out what?" Dominic asked. I put my hands up and moved out of the way. I told them I had nothing to do with it. Elise was beyond shocked. India looked at Logan to explain. Logan put his hands up too like he was completely innocent.

"Baby it's nothing really." Elise said. He looked at her and then at India. He turned around and looked at me.

"MK...." He trailed off. It's really not my place.

"Sometimes people have to do things they're not proud of because they are in need. Maybe they'll sacrifice thier integrity or hurt someone close to them, or someone they don't care about at all." I said.

"What does that mean?" He asked.

"I was paying Elise to date you because she needed the money and I need you out if the picture to keep Logan happy, but he only went back for McKenna." India said. Dominic looked around the room for a second. Then, he stormed out. I turned to Drew.

"Can we leave?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my hand. We left and finally got that alone time I'd been waiting on for these couple of days.





Nerdy LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon