"Thank you!" As I get Lux into her clothes, Anne walks in "Oh you got them both ready already?" I laughed "Yes ma'am I figured if I go ahead and get them ready then you can have some time to get yourself ready" I say as she smiles, "Thank you but you didn't have to, you're so sweet" "She sure is" I hear Harry agreeing I looked him up and down and thank God he's all mine.

"Well look at my girls! Don't you two look great!" Harry said, referring to Lux and Lyrica, "Thank you!" "Tank you!" I hear them say before Anne starts to get each one's hair done, "You two go on downstairs and relax" Anne told us before we descended on down the steps to the living room.

Harry's P.O.V.

I have one more surprise and I nobody knows it but me this time I can't wait to see what's gonna happen but I know today is gonna be perfect and I know the lads are just as hyped as we are, we have to be there not for another hour and it's not far so it's good that Sarah has decided she's not gonna wear her beanie and wear her clothes that Mum got her she's really coming out of her shell and I'm proud of her.

Am I nervous of course, but I know this is something I want to do not because of what everyone has done or thinks. "Ok let's get you guy's gowns on" Anne said, as I helped Sarah put on her purple gown and I put my black gown on, we each grabbed our hats and tassels and were soon out the door and into our cars and headed for school.

~At School~

"Okay I need everyone to get in your lines like you were for graduating, once you get there please sit in the same seats you were in, thank you" I hear our principal say as the music started and we all walked in our lines I looked to my right and there was my family waving and smiling at us, I smiled back and waved before sitting down in my seat.

"Hello and welcome to the Holmes Chapel High School Graduation of 2011, we're are very proud of our students and how well they excelled this year, and with that I welcome a student who went from bottom and end up being valedictorian with the highest marks in school, please join me in welcoming our 2011 class valedictorian Harry Styles!" I smiled as I looked at Sarah and she had the biggest smile on her face as she was clapping for me, cheering me on, I gave her a quick wink before stepping up on the stage shaking hands with our principal.

I stepped behind the podium, and spoke into the mic, "As you know my name is Harry, and I became the valedictorian, but there is someone who deserves this title more than me without their help I wouldn't have been among you all today, I didn't prepare a speech or to brag because I don't need to, this person is someone very special to me, she helped me grow into a man, taught some of life's greatest lessons in just a 6 months' time. She's been through a lot and still came out smiling and being strong never wavering toward being a victim but a victor, ladies and gentlemen would you please join me in welcoming my girlfriend upon the stage, Sarah Burks!" I hear the whole gym erupt in applause as Sarah looked around and slowly got up and walked to the stage.

She looked up at me, and smiled as I gave her a kiss, "Go ahead Princess take your spot, I'll be right here" I whispered in her ear, as I stepped back a little.

Sarah's P.O.V.

"Um, hi, as you may know I'm Sarah and I don't know if I deserve being called valedictorian, I just know all my life I've lived in the foster home, there was over 30 kids living there, me being the oldest, I had to take care of them all, the youngest at the time being a month and half. At the foster home I had to do everything because the caretaker didn't want to and told me that all the children were my responsibility, I had to cook, clean, help with homework, give baths, make bottles, you name I had to do it."

I looked at everyone's face, with the same expression, shocked, so I continued on, "When I had to be at school, I had to get them ready, and make sure they were taking care of and on the bus and fed and changed before I had to come to school because she didn't want to, if you were in my class you saw me come in late, then before class was over I had to go back and make sure bottles were fixed once again if I didn't I would get beat with whatever she could find." I look down for a moment, as I felt Harry's hand on me, "Then at school I was bullied as well, I was already hurt from her and being hurt here at school didn't really matter, until one day everything changed, Harry was the first person to see my eyes, and I believe my eyes told him my story without me saying anything, we started to get closer and became friends before I knew it this man right here, was telling me he loved me and wanted to be with me." I looked at Harry as I held his hand, "He and his family helped me get out of a scary situation, and in this time I found out that I have a sister and a family, would you please stand up?" I asked as De'Lovely and Christian along with Anne and the girls and the lads' mums and dads stand up.

"These are the wonderful people that you see before who not only adopted me but adopted a few of the children that were closest to me, lads would you please stand up?" I asked as I see Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn stand up, "And these are the brothers that my wonderful babies have been blessed to have along with Harry here" I say as everybody sat back down. "My message to the ones that are coming up in this world and in this high school, is do the best you can by that person you may never know what they're going through or what they have to deal with, don't judge a book by its cover, you may like what you read" I say, as I backed up, "Hold on Sarah I'm not done with you" I hear Harry, I looked at him with confusion, as he went down on one knee holding a beautiful ring, "Sarah you know I love you and even though we've been together for 6 months, 6 happy months of tears, love and patience of learning who we are together and apart, you make me happy as can be and I can't see me with anyone else, nobody makes me feel the way you do, you've taught me how to be a man and what it means to fight for something you want and believe in, so Sarah will you do me the honors and marry me?" the whole gym let out a gasp as I covered my mouth and tears instantly flooded my eyes and cheeks, "Yes!" I say as I felt Harry wrap me up in a hug and gave me a kiss as the crowd let out whistles and clapped and cheered for us, putting the ring on my left ring finger "Now that we have an engaged couple let's get this graduation started!" our principal said, as we descended the steps and went back to our seats.

The ceremony went by quick as each of our names were called and us walking on that stage and getting our diploma and feeling like we accomplished something, while being there many people came up to me to say sorry and give their congratulations' as we took pictures as well as talk, we all ended up back at our house and was in the middle of celebrating us all graduating and throwing the celebratory hats in the air.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Liam said, as everyone got quiet, "I would like to make a toast to the new engaged couple, Sarah and Harry may your wedding be one to remember and as you take on this journey that you only become closer and more in love than ever! And thank God that you found Sarah to hold you down!" we all laughed as we yelled "Cheers!" and clanked our glasses together, as me and Harry shared a loving kiss as we looked and saw all of our family together under one roof.

Foster Love (Interracial)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu