Chapter 11: Seriously Mad

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I hope this chapter is good. I am having a rough time at putting my ideas in words. Let's see how this turns out.


I chewed on my bottom lip as we walked to our first class. I haven’t talked to Draco in almost a month. I always saw him in class, but he didn’t look my way at all. He didn’t come into any of my dreams to talk. It was like I never existed.

I had no idea why he was acting this way. If anyone should, it should me. I think. But I would never act so childish like that. Or do I? Oh, I really don’t know!

“Claire, you are sad.” Chloe stated. I knew it wasn’t a question, but I nodded. I kept walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Drinian and Chloe on either side of me.

Drinian took my hand and stroked his thumb against my palm. I relaxed whenever someone did that, especially him. “Why are you sad honey?” He asked.

“I promise to tell you, but not now. I need to figure it out myself,” I whispered. Drinian nodded, but I could see Chloe struggling with herself. I knew she wanted to bombard me with questions and strangle the answers out of me, however she nodded. We walked silently into the class.

Professor Moody wasn’t here yet, so the class was a little rambunctious. I noticed Draco with his bunch of goons. I felt Drinian eyes on the back of my head so I turned towards him. He had a glint in his eyes and a grin plastered on his face. Oh no!

“No need to explain. I understand,” He said chuckling.

“Explain what?” Chloe asked. She must not have seen me giving lovey-dovey eyes to Draco Malfoy. “Umm, Darlin’, Why are you feelin’ all guilty and such?” She raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

I opened my mouth, but Drinian beat me, “She feels bad for walking in on us that one time,” he looked at her hoping she would remember and to believe what he was saying. I punched him lightly in the arm as he chuckled. Chloe actually believed us. And here I thought she could smell lies with her werewolf qualities.

As the door banged open, a clicking noise came from behind our table. The room was silent and the class had begun. Professor Alastor ‘Mad-eye’ Moody was finally here.

He clacked his way up to the chalkboard and wrote down two words. ‘Unforgivable Curses’ was written in huge white letters on the slate. A shudder ran through me as I took in those two words. Everyone was frightened by the words too. Moody babbled how the Ministry of Magic believes that he shouldn’t be teaching us about them, but he thinks differently. Whoa, this was going to be an eventful class.

“Can anyone tell me one of the unforgivable curses?” Moody asked. No one raised their hands. “Anyone?” A shaky hand raised in the front. “Oh, yes Longbottom.”

“Th-there is the Cruciatus Curse,” a boy mumbled. I knew him from Gryffindor. He was Neil… no… Nevis… no… Neville… yes!Neville Longbottom was one of the worst potion making students, so I always felt bad for the poor boy.

“Ah, yes. I would suppose you know that curse quite well,” Moody said as he walked to a table with random rubbish on it. He picked up a small hairy creature then pointed his wand at it. It grew larger in seconds. I heard a whimper escape a red headed boy’s mouth. It was Fred and George’s brother Ron. I wondered why he would be scared. That’s when I saw the small hairy creature was now a spider that was a little bigger than a grown man’s hand. “Come up here boy,” he told Neville in a gruff voice.

Moody told us how the Cruciatus Curse work then showed us. The spider withered in pain and made a small screeching noise. I felt horrible as I watched this spider being tortured. I had to look away, so I watched Neville’s expression instead. He had gone pale white and he was gripping the edge of the table to support him by standing up.

A girl behind my table spoke in a loud voice, “Stop it! Can’t you see it’s upsetting him?” Moody lost his concentration when he heard her. He looked a little taken aback by this comment, but soon composed himself.

“Yes, well now,” he mumbled to himself. “Does anyone else know one of the Unforgivable Curses?”

Some people raised their hands, but he called on Ron Weasley, whom had his hand half raised.

“I think there is the Imperius Curse?” He gulped.

“Your father gave us little trouble with that one in the ministry, he did,” grumbled Moody. Then he turned back to the spider and flicked his wand as he said Imperio. A rainbow colored light sparked out the tip of his wand at the spider and it started levitating. He told us about the Imperius Curse, how it forces the victim to obey every command of the caster. I flinched as he zoom the spider around the class and landed on a girl’s hand. Everyone started laughing as she shrieked. Next he made it fly on top of Ron’s head which made him moan as he shook his head furiously around. “What are you laughing at,” he mumbled as he made the spider fly onto Draco’s face. He yelped and had the most ridiculous face on, I burst out laughing at the sight. He kept shouting ‘get it off’ to Crabbe and Goyle. Crabbe tried to swipe it away and Goyle grabbed a book trying to beat the spider away. Moody moved the spider before Goyle could slap it with his book. The large book came in contact with Draco’s face. I couldn’t help but fall off the chair with laughter; I held my side from it hurting with me laughing so hard. Few tears escaped my crunched up eyes.

Then I was silent along with the class. Moody showed us how the Imperius Curse could be deadly. It was very sad to watch. Then he asked if anyone knew the last curse. Not one hand rose. Moody called on Granger, the girl that sat behind my table, the one that made Moody stop using the Cruciatus Curse on the spider. She was the smartest girl in our year, everyone knew that.

Everyone in the class turned to her as Moody walked towards her. Her eyes were a little red and tears formed in her glassy eyes. She shook her head as she whispered ‘the Killing Curse’. Moody placed the spider on her desk and shot it with a bolt of green light when he said, “Avada Kedavra!” The spider twitched before it became still as it died instantly. My eyes widened in fright and terror. This man was truly mad. (Ha-ha, get it J)


Sorry I am taking forever to write this story, but I am easily distracted :)

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