Chapter 6: Undecided

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In the end I couldn’t find him. I walked up and down the train and I couldn’t find him. When I was about to walk back to the front of the train, a hand stopped me. The hand belonged to a red headed boy. He looked a little older than me by two years.

“Hello, I’m George. Are you looking for someone?” He poked his head outside the compartment and looked around.

“Well, yes. Actually, I’m in a…”

A voice from inside the compartment stopped me. It sounded a lot like George’s.“That’s a curious accent, you got there. Don’t you think, George?”

“I do, Fred. Why don’t you come on in and meet my friends?” I knew George wasn’t going to take no for an answer so I let him pull me in.

“It shan’t be long. You see, my friends are waiting for me,” I feigned a smile.

George asked many questions, “Where’s their compartment? What’s their name? I don’t recall you giving me your name? I will go get them for you.”

“George, slow down a bit. You are suffocating her,” a boy, that I couldn’t see, behind George. When I answered all his questions, he left to go get my friends. That’s when I noticed that there were two boys in the compartment. One looked exactly like George. My eyes widened as I saw him.

He laughed, “My name is Fred; George’s other half. You are new here.”

It wasn’t a question, but I answered, “Yes, I went to school at Beauxbatons. That explains my accent. My friends went there, too. We are transfers, I guess. I am originally from here, in England, so is my other friend, Drinian. Chloe is actually from New York in America.”

The other boy introduced himself, “My name is Lee and that is brilliant that you went to Beauxbatons. I thought only French blonde bimbos go there. Damn, I owe George five galleons.”

“Well most of them are. My friends and I were outcasts there…”

“Jeeze, do you have to tell everyone our business?” Chloe came in and sat next to Fred.“Ooh, you guys are twins. We are going to have a lot of fun here, Claire! I like your hair more, but I like his face,” She babbled on and on about nonsense. Drinian was quietly chuckling in the doorway. I rolled my eyes as Chloe ran her fingers through Fred’s hair.

Night had already fallen and it was freezing. Chloe was huddled up with Fred as we exited the train. I noticed that Drinian followed close behind with a grim face. I didn’t think about it too much, because I was busy thinking about the unidentified arm resting across my shoulders.

“I knew it was you on the platform. I could never forget that silky hair,” a voice sneered in my ear. It was a cold dreadful voice that belonged to no other than Draco Malfoy. “I will see you quite soon, I hope.” Then he disappeared into the crowd.

When his arm left its perch on my shoulders I felt unbearably cold. I should have not felt all warm inside at his touch. I shouldn’t feel sparks radiating off of him as he whispered into my ear. This all was maddening. Just fucked up, as Chloe would say.

George came up from behind and scared the living lights out of me. “Claire, it’s just me. You are acting like you seen a ghost, which is silly, because the ghosts don’t come out of the castle.” He laughed as he saw my expression. “Come on Claire, let’s hurry and get a good seat at the dinner table.” George pulled me into a horseless carriage.

I didn’t get the chance to see the hall with George. Instead I was pulled away by one of the teachers into a room filled with younger kids. I saw Chloe and Drinian among them. Chloe was pushing away a little kid that was practically drooling over her. Drinian grinned as he talked to Chloe. I walked towards them to ask what we were doing here.

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