Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty - This is the last chapter, and I would just like to say thank you. I can't believe how much you all supported me on this sequel . . . So once again THANK YOU !!! 

" This is nice," Kimberley smiled as they sat opposite each other in a quiet, but posh looking restaurant.

Cheryl smiled. Reaching across the table she took hold of the girls right hand, intertwining their fingers. "Some friends recommended it to me."

" Nicole and Nadine ?" Kimberley quizzed.

The Geordie nodded, mesmerized at the beauty of her girlfriend. " You're gorgeous," she smiled in awe.

Lifting their joining hands; Kimberley kissed the brunettes. " Not as gorgeous as you my wee Geordie lass."

Cheryl laughed. The girl used to call her that back in Newcastle.

After ordering their starters; the couple sat chatting away.

" Can I ask you something Cheryl?" Kimberley said, holding a piece of bread in her hand.

"Course babe."

The older woman hesitated for a minute. " Who's Robyn's father ?"

Cheryl dropped her head, ashamed. " I don't know."

Kimberley frowned. " You don't know ?"

" Well I do . . . but I don't know him. What I mean is . . . it was a one night stand. He did find out I was pregnant through one of his friends, but he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby."

" That's terrible." Sliding round; Kimberley moved closer to the girl. She dropped her hand onto her thigh and squeezed it gently. "I'm so proud of you."

Cheryl looked up. " What for?" she asked confused.

" For bringing such a sweet, gorgeous, and well balanced little girl up. You done that all by yourself Cheryl. That's an achievement."

The Geordie smiled, her eyes welling with tears.

" Please . . . no tears tonight," Kimberley laughed.

" Ok ok!" Cheryl smiled back, fanning her eyes. "No tears," she repeated.

" Look at me?"

The brunette turned, a smile appeared as she saw the loving look on her girlfriends face. She watched as Kimberley moved closer, pressing their lips together in a sweet kiss. She was aware of the fact that people could see, but she didn't care.

" I love you," Kimberley whispered onto Cheryl's lips as they broke apart.

" I love you too. Can I get my present now?"

The older girl laughed. " You always do that !"

" Do what ?" Cheryl asked, an innocent expression on her face.

" Try to sweeten me with you're kisses."

" You kissed me remember ?"

Laughing Kimberley pulled out a multicoloured gift bag from under the table. " No crying remember," she warned before handing it to her girlfriend.

" I can't promise you that," Cheryl giggled, leaning forward she kissed Kimberley. " Thank you babe." Reaching into the bag she pulled out the only item it contained. A gorgeous purple photo album.

" Open it," Kimberley encouraged as the girl ran her fingers over the front.

A tear fell from Cheryl's eye, the picture of Kimberley kissing her cheek making her smile. " Ooh my god," she said. " You kept these?"

" I did," the older girl smiled back. " I have my own album too. I kept you're set of photos, and decided to make you one aswell."

The Geordie shut her eyes, trying to stop the flow of tears. " I can't believe it," she sighed, her fingers running over each picture as she flicked through the album. " I can't believe you kept these."

" I had to. Everyday I looked through them. Without them I would of let go you forever. They are what kept me holding on."

Cheryl turned to face her girlfriend once more. " You never let go ?"

" I never let go," Kimberley repeated, pressing their foreheads together. " And I never will."

The End.

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