Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

" Mam . . . mam."

Cheryl woke to the girl hovering over her.

" Mornin' angel. You feelin' any better ?" she asked while noticing she was still in Nicola's bed. Once Nadine had came home, all four of them stayed, curled up watching dvd's with Robyn, trying to make her feel better.

Robyn nodded. Lying back down, she lay by her mothers side. " I'm cold," she moaned.

Cheryl laughed before wrapping her arms around the girls near naked body. " Give your mam a cuddle."

Smiling the youngster clung onto her mum, snuggling up beside her.

After helping Robyn get washed and dressed, Cheryl went downstairs. " Hey," she said as she walked into the kitchen. Nadine and Nicola were sitting with cups of coffee, chatting away.

" Hey babe," they chirped together. " How's Robyn ?", they asked at the same time, causing them all to laugh.

" Aye she's much better now. She's up there playin' with her Hannah Montana doll."

" Aww bless," Nadine cooed.

After fixing herself a cup of the strong caffeine, Cheryl sat down at the table . . . joining the girls. " So what have you two got planned for today ?"

" I'm goin' out with Charlie tonight," Nicola said shyly.

The Geordie looked over at Nadine, who was smiling.

" So have you two . . .  you know . . . done the dirty ?" Cheryl asked, knowing the red headed girl would soon be turning the same shade as her hair.

Nadine burst out laughing, the look on Nicola's face was priceless.

" It's only the third date Cheryl !" she replied, offended that her friend would think such a thing of her.

The older girl gasped in mock shock. " You so have !"

" I haven't !"

" Was he good ?"

Winding people up was Cheryl's thing, something she was highly skilled at.

" Cheryl !"

" Ooh Charlie !"

Nadine was in stiches, watching Nicola's face get redder and redder was just the funniest thing.

" Please Cheryl !"

Finally giving in, Cheryl winked at the redhead before turning to Nadine. " It's goin' to happen tonight."

" Well not here it won't ! . . . we have a wee kiddie in the house now."

Nicola shook her head, sighing. " God give me strength." she exhaled.

" We're just jokin' babe." Cheryl smiled, patting the girls leg under the table, resting it there for a split second before running it up.

Nicola looked at the woman's hand, and then to her face.

With a serious expression. Cheryl winked.

" Aww yeah very funny Chez," she laughed before batting the wondering hand away.

" I'll lend you me mace . . . If he tries to cop a feel, you better spray him."

" What's cop a feel ?"

The three women turned to see Roybn standing at the door, the Hannah Montana doll still in her hand.

" Nothin' important pet," Cheryl blushed slightly.

Seemingly happy with the answer, the youngster skipped in, hopping up on her mother's lap.

" Well . . . I was goin' to go shoppin' today since I don't have work . . . fancy comin ' Robyn . . . we can have a girly day out ?"

" Can we go to Hamleys ?"

All the girls laughed. It was so typical of the her.

" Yeah babe . . . we can go to Hamleys if you want."

Robyn clapped her hands. " Yeah I'll come then."

" What about you Chez . . . you got anythin' planned . . . you wanna come too ?"

" Erm . . . well Una phoned yesterday, she's got tickets for a West End musical. She wanted me to go with her."

Nicola smiled. " That sounds good. What musical is it ?"

" Les Misérables."

Both Nadine and Nicole looked at each other, the same thoughts flooding their minds.

After Kimberley had gone, Cheryl broke down to her friends . . . telling them everything. They were shocked at first, but seeing there friend hurt so badly . . .  well it made them feel bad. They couldn't help but feel partly responsible.

" I think you should go." Nicola smiled, her hand resting on the woman's back.

" Yeah same babe. It's suppose to have rave reviews."

Cheryl knew they where right. She had always wanted to see the real thing . . .  wanted to see why Kimberley loved it so much. " Yeah I think I will." After Robyn climbed off her lap and onto Nicola's, the Geordie got up. " I'm just goin' to phone Una . . . let her know I'll go."

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