Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

As the sun shawn through the curtains, kimberley stirred in her sleep. Rolling over, she felt about the bed, noticing she was alone. " Cheryl," she mumbled. After getting no response, the girl eventually opened her eyes. " Cheryl ?" she tried again, this time a little bit louder.

Making her way into the kitchen, Kimberley immediately noticed the note stuck to her fridge.

Had to go to work sexy !

Didn't have the heart to wake you.

Last night was amazing . . . hope you don't regret it.

I'll phone you later on my lunch break.

Love you ! xxxxx

Kimberley smiled. She didn't regret it at all, but she sure didn't feel good about it. Cheating was wrong and she knew it. Truefully, she did still love Justin, but her love for Cheryl was much stronger, and in a sense deeper.


After tidying the flat from top to bottom, Kimberley finally settled infront of the tele, watching some makeover show. Her eyes soon began to feel heavy, as the effects of last night started to kick in.

She awoke with a startle, her phone ringing beside her.

" Hello," she mumbled without even looking at the caller ID.

" Hey babe . . . are you ok ? . . . you sound tired."

Kimberley laughed. " That's because I was sleepin' "

" Sorry did I wake you ?"

" Yeah, but it's ok . . . I was waiting on you calling."

Suddenly an unbearable silence washed over. The older girl could hear Cheryl sighing on the other end.

" I don't regret it Cheryl," she said.

" You don't ?"

" Of course I don't . . . why would I ?"

" Because you have a boyfriend," the Geordie replied, her voice thick with emotion.

" Ano . . . and I feel terrible about that, but I can't help how I feel."

" How do you feel Kimberley ? . . . you weren't just tellin' me you loved me last night for the sake of it were you ?"

Kimberley sighed. " And why would I do that Cheryl ? . . . you're the one that seduced me remember . . . it's not as if I had to lie to get you into bed."

" You're right. Sorry."

" I love you Cheryl," the older girl clarified.

" I love you too."

" I miss you."

" I miss you too," Cheryl replied back playfully.

Happy the mood had lifted, Kimberley decided to keep going.

" I want you."

" Kimberley ! I'm at work . . . stop it."

" Why ? . . . Am I makin' you horny ? . . . Do you want me ?"

" Of course I want you," the brunette whispered back.

" Why are you whispering ?"

" Because the girl I work with just came back. She's just popped back out again for a quick coffee."

" Is that you're break over then ?"

" More or less babe."

" Aww . . . ok. What are you doin' after work then ?"

" Just goin' home. Robyn's away with me mam back up to Newcastle for a few days, and the girlies will be at work. You should come over."

" Sounds good. What time ?"

" Say about six."

A smile appeared on the older girls lips. " Ok. I can't wait."

" Me neither. Right I need to go babe. See ya later."

" No bother."

" Love you," Cheryl said cutely.

" Love you too."

And with that Cheryl hung up, leaving Kimberley on cloud nine.

Chim- Starting Over (Sequel to What do you want from me)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz