Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

Cheryl sat talking with Kimberley and Justin for a while . . . shockingly it was a lot easier than she thought it was going to be. After several glasses of wine, she decided to go home. Knowing she was far to drunk to drive she decided to call Nadine, who agreed to drive over to pick her up.

" It was nice meeting you Cheryl," Justin said as the girl made her way to the door.

" You too Justin." She replied with a smile.

Kimberley followed behind the Geordie. " I'll walk you down babe."

" He's a lovely lad," Cheryl complimented as they stood in the lift.

" Yeah . . . he is isnt he ?" The girl said, somewhat dreamily.

" How long have you been together then ?"

Kimberley smiled. " Erm . . . about six years."

Although it hurt Cheryl, She was glad to see the girl so happy. " Well that's good."

As they approached the entrance door, the younger girl could see Nadine's car through one of the glass panels.

" Is that Nadine ?" Kimberley asked as she opened it. " Ooh and Nicola," she added as she spotted the familiar red hair.

" Yeah," Cheryl laughed. " You should come over and say hi."

" Are you sure ?" Kimberley frowned. " I can remember them not liking me very much."

The Geordie turned to face the woman. " Babe . . . we are all adults now, and anyways they're  the ones that convinced me to come tonight."

Shocked, Kimberley frowned. " You told them about us ?"

" Well yeah I needed my friends and I just kinda blurted it out," she replied, worried that Kimberley was going to freak out.

" Let's go then," the older girl smiled.

Nicola nudged the woman beside her. " Look Nadine . . . Kimberley's comin' over with Cheryl."

The Irish girl put the window down, a warm smile on her face. " Hey Kimberley," she chirped, with Nicole joining in.

" Hi girls . . . how are you doin ?"

" Yeah yeah . . . we're good." Nadine replied, speaking for th both of them. " What about you ?"

" Yeah I'm good thanks."

Cheryl smiled, noticing Robyn in the back. " Aww my wee baby's sleeping."

" Ano . . .  Nicola just couldn't stay at home . . . so we had to lift her out of bed and stick her in the back."

" Is that lip stick in her lips ?" Cheryl then inquired.

Nadine laughed. " Yet again that was Nicola's fault."

The Geordie laughed along before looking through the window at the redhead, who shrugged.

" What ?" she asked. " She wanted to play dress up."

" And you thought you'd make her look like Dot Cotton !"

All the girls laughed, which caused the youngster to stir.

" Mam ?" she asked.

Both Cheryl and Kimberley looked in.

" I'm here pet," the Geordie replied.

Robyn sat up, her eyes still half closed. " Can we go home ?"

Kimberley smiled while resting her hand on Cheryl back. Strangely she felt a sense of pride for the mother. " She's just the cutiest thing," she whispered into her ear.

Cheryl glanced up at the girl. " I need to go, but I'll be doon tomorrow mornin' to pick up me car."

" Ok," Kimberley replied back quite sadly. " Do you need a lift tomorrow ? . . . I could come and pick you up if you want."

Cheryl turned and glaced at Nadine and then Nicole. " We're both working." the Irish girl lied.

" It's sorted then . . . I'll pick you up around 10ish ?"

Turning back to face the older woman, Cheryl smiled. " Ok babe . . . thanks." she said before looking through the car window once more to find Robyn had fallen back asleep, the lip stick mudged down the right side of her face.

After giving Kimberley the directions to they're flat, Cheryl pulled her into a hug. " I'll see you tomorrow babe."

" See ya hun," the older girl replied once she had pulled away. " Bye girls," she then waved to Nicola and Nadine.

Kimberley stood back and watched as the Geordie got into the car. " Bye," she mouthed, waving

All the girls smiled while waving back.

The older girl continued to watch as the car drove away . . . out of sight. Slowly she bowed her head as she felt her eyes begin to water.

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