Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

Cheryl pulled up outside Kimberley's apartment bang on nine. She sat in the car for a while, trying to calm her nerves before making her way up to the entrance of the building. After pushing the button and waiting for two minutes, she decided to press it again, still there was no answer.

" Where the f*ck is she !?" she mumbled to herself while running back to her car. She was just about to dial the girls number, when a large 4x4 pulled into the car park.

Cheryl watched as Kimberley jumped out, she looked flustered and panicky. She didn't even notice the Geordie's car as she ran up to the entrance, stumbling as she did so.

Cheryl laughed before getting back out her own car and chasing after the girl. Running up behind her she grabbed onto her waist " Boo !"

Th older woman jumped. " F*ck !" she screamed while turning to face the brunette. " Cheryl ! You scared the sh*t outta me !"

Tapping her watched, Cheryl giggled cutely. " Not like you to be late Miss Walsh."

" Yeah ano . . . I'm sorry babe. The show ran late, and then the London traffic was murder."

The Geordie smiled, placing her hand on Kimberley's shoulder. " It's ok honestly. I've only been waiting five mintues or so."

" Ano," Kimberley replied after unlocking the door, and pushing it open for Cheryl to enter. " But I could of been all ready and waiting for you." The girl soon cringed at her words. " I mean . . . I could of been ready, waiting for you to arrive."

" Please don't do that Kimberley."

" Do what ?" she replied.

" Please don't act uneasy round us . . . picking your words and sentences carefully. Just act normal," Cheryl smiled sadly.

Kimberley stayed silent until they had made their way up and were safely inside her flat. " I'm sorry . . . it's just a bit weird to get used to."

" It's ok. I just don't want any weirdness between us . . . that's all."

The expression on Cheryl's face hurt the older girl. Reaching out she pulled the Geordie into a hug. " I'm sorry," she repeated, stroking her back. " Right come on." Kimberley pulled Cheryl all through the flat until she reached her bedroom door. Taking hold of her hand she lead her in. " I'm just goin' to take a quick shower. Make yourself at home," she said before disappearing into the en suite, leaving Cheryl standing there.

Slowly she walked over to the four poster bed and sat down on the silky sheets. The room was truly magnificent, with its chocolate coloured walls, and one wallpapered one. The gorgeous bedroom furniture sat on a fluffy cream carpet. Very expensive looking curtains framed the large patio doors, which lead out to a balcony light up by fairy lights. " You're apartment really is gorgeous," she shouted, hoping Kimberley would hear her over the running water.

" Thanks," she heard the husky voice shout back, echoing a little.

The image of running water streaming down Kimberley's naked body soon popped into the Geordie's head. She could remember the woman's body so well, it was prehaps the most amazing body she had every seen. Although she did wonder if it had changed any since the last time she had her hands on it. Kimberley did seem to have lost a little bit of weight, not a lot to be noticable, but Cheryl being Cheryl and remembering every little detail sure did.

The younger girl was so lost in thought she didn't hear the water being turned off, and Kimberley stepping out of the shower. It was only when the door of the en suite opened and she walked out in only a towel that Cheryl realised. Having no willpower what so ever she got up, walking over to Kimberley who by now was rummaging through her large wardrobe. " You've lost weight," she said while placing her hand on the girls waist.

Chim- Starting Over (Sequel to What do you want from me)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora