Chapter 2

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Chapter Two -

" So Una, would you be kind enough and show Cheryl round the building ?"

" Sure," the pretty, Irish girl replied with a warm smile.

Hooking arms with Cheryl, Una lead them out of the head office. " I'll show you around the shop downstairs first."

After showing the Geordie round the whole building, Una eventually lead her to the office where she would be working. " So this is your domain," she laughed.

Cheryl looked round the small room, immediately noticing the two desks, which held some very high tech looking computers. Pictures of various celebrities, and fashion models littered the walls.

" Who uses that desk ?" she asked, pointing to the wooden office furniture.

Una smiled. " That's my desk babe."

Relieved that she would be working with someone she had already bonded with, Cheryl smiled back. " Thanks for showing me around."

" It's no problem honestly, anyways it's lunchtime now . . . do you wanna go round to Starbucks for a coffee ?"

" Aye babe."


After getting their drinks, both girls sat down in one of the booths.

" So tell me about yourself Cheryl ?" Una said, lifing the large coffee mug to her mouth.

" Erm . . . well I moved here from Newcastle just over a week ago with my daughter, who's six. We're staying with my two best friends at the moment, just until I get one my feet abit . . ya know."

" Aww . . . do you have a picture ?"

Smiling, Cheryl pulled out her phone, searching through her media files until she found her favourite picture of the youngster. " Here."

" Ooh aye, she's a wee stunner. I can definitely see the resemblance."

She was right, Robyn did look like her mother. The girl had inherited Cheryl's massive brown eyes, brown hair, and trademark dimples, although her skin was a few shades darker due to her father being mixed raced.

" Is she starting school this year ?"

Cheryl smiled. " Yeah after the summer holidays."

" The boys better watch out . . . that ones gonna break some hearts," Una winked.

After chatting more, both girls got to know each other, finding they had alot in common. Una had moved from Ireland the previous year. She had studied in one of the best colleges in London before being offered a job at the fashion house.

Looking down at her watch, the older woman sighed. " Come on . . . we better get back to work."

Finishing of her coffee, Cheryl stood up. " Thanks for takin' me under your wing Una . . . it means alot," she said, sincerely grateful of the woman's kindness.

" Don't worry about it," Una replied with a smile. " And anyways it's nice havin' a newby."

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