Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Cheryl followed as Kimberley turned into a large apartment complex. She parked her car beside the girls before getting out and meeting her as she stepped out of the large vehicle. " I thought we'd of been goin' to a cafe or something," she smiled, delighted Kimberley had took her to her flat instead.

" What lookin' like this ?" The woman asked.

Cheryl laughed. " No one would of noticed."

" Ooh yeah . . . no one would notice if a woman with fake dirt plastered all over her face and arms walked in." Kimberley replied while clicking the button on her car key, locking the vehicle.

" Why didn't you wash it off ?"

The older girl shrugged. " I don't know. I usually wanna get out there as quickly as possible, so I can get home and have a nice hot shower."

For a moment both girls just stood, looking at each other.

Kimberley was first to break the silence. " Come on." she said while walking up to the complex entrance.


" Beware," Kimberley warned as they stood outside the door leading to her apartment.

Cheryl frowned, causing the girl to laugh.

Once Kimberley had opened the door, the Geordie suddenly became aware of a small thing scurrying around her feet. " Awwwwww !" she cooed, leaning down she picked up the small, white puppy. " Is it a Chihuahua ?"

Kimberley smiled while entering and motioning for Cheryl to do the same. " Yeah . . . that's Coco the Chihuahua. She's such a little pain." she laughed.

The younger girl opened her mouth in shock. " How could you say that about this wee baby ?" she gasped, cuddling into the little bundle of joy. " She's so cute, and really tiny."

Kimberley smiled. " She's still only a pup . . . we only got her a couple of months ago."

Automatically Cheryl picked up on the word we. " Aww well she's so adorable."

" Listen Cheryl . . . I really need to take a shower," Kimberley laughed. " Please make yourself at home." she then said while walking down the swanky hallway that lead to the massive open planned living room.

" Ok." the Geordie replied, looking around the very trendy room.

" I wont be long . . . sorry about this."

Cheryl sat herself down on the large, leather corner sofa, still playing with little Coco. " No no . . . it's fine." she said while smiling up at the girl.

After Kimberley had left the room, Cheryl looked around. ' She must be earning a fortune,' she thought while looking at . . .  what had to be the biggest plasma she had ever seen. She felt quite uncomfotable just sitting there . . . in the flat of the woman she had hurt so badly. It was as if they were reunited friends, not reunited lovers.

" Are you ok Cheryl ?"

The Geordie looked up to see Kimberley standing. She had trackie bottoms on and a vest top, her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, and she had only a scraping of make up on. " That was quick." she said, the girl still looking as beautiful as ever to her.

Kimberley smiled. " Well I couldn't have you waiting . . . could I ?"

" Please ?" Cheryl replied while patting the space on the sofa beside her, her eyes beginning to water.

The older girl rushed over. " Aww please don't start crying again." Sitting down beside the Geordie, Kimberley wrapped her arms around her, pulling her in close.

Cheryl relaxed into the girls embrace, faintly smelling the sweet shower gel on her exposed skin " I thought you would hate me."

" Hate you ?" Kimberley repeated while pulling away. " Cheryl I could never hate you."

The Geordie smiled, feeling overwhelmed by emotions.

" You still wear my locket ?" Kimberley gasped, reaching out she took it in her hand.

" I've not took it off since the day you left," Cheryl replied, her hand resting over the woman's. " I'm sorry for what I said . . . I didn't mean it," she then sobbed, her gaze falling to her lap.

This was not the way Cheryl had wanted all this to happen. She wanted to be in control of her feelings, she wanted them to sit down and talk everything through, but she couldn't help it . . . her emotions where getting the better of her, she was rushing everything.

" Non if that matters Cheryl . . . "

" But it does Kimberley . . . I want you to know that I didn't, and still don't think them nasty things. I was a stupid wee teenager," the Geordie cut in.

Kimberley smiled, taking hold of both the girls hands. " Ano you didn't mean them. Come on it's been ten years we should be catching up with each others lifes, not sitting here crying about things that arent important."


" So . . . " Kimberley said while placing a glass of wine down on the table infront of Cheryl. " Have you moved here ?"

" Thanks," the Geordie said accepting the alcohol. She waited until Kimberley had sat down opposite her at the posh dinning table. " Aye I moved here about a month ago. I got a job offer. What about you . . . when did you get back from Australia ?"

Kimberley took a slip of her wine . . . placing it back down she smiled. " I've been back for just over six years now."

" Why didn't you come and see me ?" Cheryl asked, shocked at the fact Kimberley had been back that long.

" Honestly . . . " the girl replied while tapping her index finger on the edge of the table. " I didn't think you would of wanted to see me."

Cheryl reached across, taking the girls hand. " I would of . . . I would of loved to have saw you . . . although I might of had a bit of a belly on me," she laughed.

Kimberley frowned, not getting what the girl was meaning " What do you mean ? . . . theres not a pick on you."

The Geordie laughed. " I would of been pregnant. I have a six year old daughter."

The older girl stared at the brunette, her mouth curving into a smile. " Aww babe . . . that's amazing ! Tell me about her ?"

Cheryl kept hold of Kimberley's hand and she began telling her. " Well her names Robyn. She's a cheeky little madam . . . just like her mam . . . and she's gorgeous . . . just like her mam," the girl said cheekily.

" Ooh I can just imagine," Kimberley replied, rolling her eyes. She could tell the girl was still the same. ' Not changed a bit.' she laughed to herself.

Pulling out her phone, Cheryl once again brought up her favourite picture of the youngster. " There's a picture of me wee baby."

The older girl took the phone while thinking how utterly adorable Cheryl was being about the little girl, she obviously loved her to pieces, she could tell by the way her face light up as soon as she had mentioned her name.

" Ooh my god Cheryl . . . she's the spitting image of you. And your right she is gorgeous, and sooo cute !" Kimberley beemed.

After taking her phone back, Cheryl decided she wanted to know more about the girls life. " So what about you . . . what's goin' on in your life ?"

Just as Kimberley was about to answer, both girls heard the front door open, and then shut again.

" Baby am home !" a manly voice called.

" I'm in here hun." Kimberley shouted back.

Suddenly a man appeared. He was mixed raced, relatively tall, and quite good looking.

" Ooh hello." he smiled to the Geordie.

" Cheryl . . . " the older woman said while standing up and giving the man a hug, and a small peck on the lips. " This is Justin . . . my boyfriend."

Chim- Starting Over (Sequel to What do you want from me)Where stories live. Discover now