Chapter 5

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Chapter Five - The italics in this chapter are flashbacks.

" Wow babe . . . you look stunnin' " Cheryl said as a way of greeting.

Una turned. " Hey babe," she smiled, pulling the Geordie into a hug.

The girls had decided to meet up at the theatre instead of going together, saving the hassle of driving all over London.

" Where did you get that dress ?" Cheryl asked, eyeing up the tight number.

Una twirled, laughing a little. " You like ? . . . The Boss gave me a discount. Still cost me an arm and a leg though."

" It's gorgeous," Cheryl smiled.

For the first time Una checked the Geordie out. She was wearing a pair of high waisted jeans, a tight, colourful vest top tucked into them, finished off with a pair of killer heels. Her gorgeous brown hair was hanging loosly on her shoulders. " Babe you look amazing too."

" Well I like to try," she winked. " Anyways I knew I had to make an effort . . . going out with you."

Una smiled sweetly. " Right lets go and get seated." Hooking arms with the younger girl, she lead her inside.


" The best seats in the house," Una smiled happily as the usher guided them to the front row, pointing to two seats right in the centre.

" Not half," Cheryl laughed while taking hers, and looking up at that massive stage. It was a far cry from the tiny, not very realistic looking stage she had saw in Newcastle.

" You always wear that locket . . . is it special ?"

Cheryl looked turned, facing Una. " Yeah it is," she answered, clutching it in her hand.

There was something about the way the Geordie answered that left Una wanting to know more, but at the same time she didn't want to ask. " Its gorgeous," she simply said.

" Thanks."

Suddenly the lights dimmed, cheers and clapping erupted from the crowd. Cheryl felt the butterflies fluttering in her tummy, a mixture of emotions stirring within her.

The Geordie relaxed into her chair, watching the men on the stage. Memories flooded back, she could remember this scene from the first time she had saw it. Turning she looked at Una, who glanced back at her briefly, a smiled on her lips.

Cheryl turned to look at her girlfriend. She had the most beautiful smile spread across her lips, her face light up as she watched the scene before her. Giggling to herself, Cheryl reached across and took hold of the girls hand, intertwining there fingers. Kimberley turned and looked at her, the joy on her face clear to see. She squeezed Cheryl's hand gently before looking back to the men on the stage.

The musical had only started twenty minutes ago, but already Cheryl was welling up, her mind just couldn't focus. Leaning over she tapped Una's shoulder. " Babe I'm just popping to the loo . . . ok ?"

The older girl nodded, still her eyes were clued to the stage. " Ok hun."

Cheryl's heels echoed on the white tiled floor as she made her way to one of the cubicles. Sitting on the closed toilet seat, she placed her over sized bag down infront of her. ' What's wrong with me !? . . . Why can't I just get over her . . . It's been f*ckin' 9 years.' she thought to herself, her head in her hands. " I'm ment to be staring over." she then mumbled. Reaching out she placed both her hands on either side of the cubical walls, looking up at the ceiling she sighed.

A thump could be heard as Cheryl's back smashed against the cubicle wall. She didn't get much time to correct herself, when Kimberley started sucking on her lips, licking a ring around them.

" Are you turned on baby ?" she asked, her hand running up and down the Geordie's thigh. Reaching out Cheryl placing her other hand on the cubical wall, sighing when she felt Kimberley unbuttoning her jeans, and slipping her hand in.

A tear fell for Cheryl's eye. She could remember how fun it was when they had gone to see Les Misérables together. How Kimberley had kept pointing her favourite bits out, how she sang along to her favourite songs, and how they had enjoyed the playful banter on their way home after the girl f*cked her stupid in the toliet cubicle once the musical had finished.

For the first time since entering the toliets, Cheryl noticed the time on her large, diamond encrusted watch. " sh!t !" she mumbled, noticing she had been there for half an hour. Quickly she stood up and unlocked her door, the faint music became a lot clearer as she stepped out and walked over to the sinks. Cheryl smiled as she heard a familier song, it was Kimberley's favourite. She used to sing it all the time, with the Geordie always telling her she had a beautiful voice.

On My Own

Chery listened as she made her way back, the voice sounding strangely familiar. Shrugging it off she walked back through the door, her gaze falling to her shoe which had obviously attracted some kids  discarded grewing gum. " F*ckin' hell." she mumbled quietly while walking down the aisle, her heel sticking to the floor.

For a split second Cheryl thought she had cursed a little too loudly as the powerful, womanly voice stopped singing. Looking up she glanced at the woman, ready to apologize, but soon became confused. " Ooh my god," she said quitely to herself, tears welling up in her eyes.

Suddenly the girl started singing again, her eyes also shinning with tears.

Cheryl stood motionless in complete shock. She was sure people were staring at her, wondering why on earth she was just standing there, but she couldn't physically move. She just stood there watching the girl, who in turn was staring right back at her, the tears now streaming down her cheeks.

Suddenly Cheryl felt a hand gently being placed on her shoulder. " Excuse me miss . . . could you please sit back down in your seat. Your restricting peoples view."

The Geordie turned, giving the man full few of her tear stained face.

" This scene is beautiful isn't it ?" he smiled, clearly thinking she was just the emotional type.

Not being able to take anymore of the intense stares she was receiving, Cheryl pushed past him, running back out the door she had previous just used.


" Cheryl !" Nadine gasped as the girl walked into the kitchen. " What's wrong ?" she asked. The Irish woman had thought it was a bit early for her friend to be back after hearing the front door being opened, but she hadn't expected her to be in such a state.

Cheryl walked over, collapsing into the girls arms. " Kimberley," she sobbed.

Nadine held the girl close, not bothering to ask anymore questions. All she wanted to do was calm her down. " Come on . . . let's go upstairs . . . we don't want Robyn seeing her mammy so upset."

Chim- Starting Over (Sequel to What do you want from me)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt