Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

After getting back that night, both Nadine and Nicola shared the Irish woman's room while Cheryl went in beside her daughter . . .  Leaving Joan with Nicola's room.

" Cheryl ?" Nadine whispered as she spied the girl walking down the hall, on her way back from the toilet.

The Geordie looked up, spying Nadine peaking her head out her bedroom door. " What ?"

" Come and see the state of this one," the younger girl laughed.

Cheryl walked over, Nadine widening the door for her to enter. Immediately the girl noticed the smell of sick. " God you need to open a window !"

Walking over to the bed, Cheryl laughed.

Nicola was lying in only her underwear, the make up she had applied so expertly was smudged all over her face, and she was snoring loudly.

Smiling along, Nadine walked over to the large curtains covering the double window and pulled them apart, allowing light to burst into the room.

The redhead moaned loudly, scrunching her eyes together even tighter. " Nadine !" she growled.

" Ooh your alive," the Irish girl laughed back.

Nicola sat up, one eye was open while the other was still clamped shut. Lifting her hands she held onto her head. " F*ckin' hell . . . my heads killin' !" After opening the other eye, she then looked at the two women, who were smiling back at her. " Glad to see you two have happy f*ckin' hangovers !"

" I'm just happy in general !" Cheryl beamed.

Both Nicola and Nadine looked at each other.

" Did somthin' happen last night ?" the Irish woman asked as she ran back to the bed and sat down beside Nicola.

Smiling Cheryl sat down on the edge. " I told her I loved her."

" And . . . " they both asked.

" And . . . " the girl laughed. " She kissed me."

Both girls squeeled, waving their arms around like loonies.

" That's amazin' !" Nicola said happily, throwing herself on top of the girl.

" Nicola !" Cheryl huffed, the smell of sick hitting her nostrils. " Your stinkin' of sick," she then continued, pushing the girl off.

" Sorry," the redhead apologized sheepishly before pulling back.

Nadine laughed while patting Cheryl's leg. " So what's goin' to happen now ?"

The Geordie had been so wrapped up in the kiss that she hadn't even thought about that. " Erm . . . a dunno. She did tell me she needed time," she confessed.

Both girls frowned.

" Well what's that supposed to mean ?" Nicola asked.

" A dunno," Cheryl shrugged. " I'll see if we can have a chat . . . when me and you," she said looking at Nadine. " Go and pick up your car."


" Hello ladies," Kimberley said opening the door.

Cheryl and Nadine smiled. " Hey babe," they both chirped.

After inviting both girls in, Kimberley lead them through to the kicthen. " Do you want anythin' to drink ?" she asked.

" Actually," Nadine said while walking back over to the door. " I said I would meet one of my friends for lunch."

Cheryl knew she was lieing, but went along with it anyway.

" Aww ok babe," Kimberley smiled.

The Irish woman threw Cheryl a cheeky wink before saying her goodbyes and leaving.

" Do you want somthin' to drink Cheryl ?" Kimberley asked once more.

The younger girl smiled. " Aye . . . coffee please."

Kimberley turned and walked over to the kettle. The extremely tight shorts she wore clung to her impressive curves, attracting the Geordie's gaze. " So . . . " she said walking back over with two mugs. " I was thinkin' . . . do you wanna come over for dinner tonight ?"

Cheryl continued to stare, her eyes now level with the girls thighs, and a certain area. " Mmm . . . "

" Up here !" Kimberley laughed. " Glad to see your still the same old Cheryl."

Looking up, Cheryl smiled although she was a bit embarrassed. " Sorry."

" Don't be," Kimberley replied while putting the mug down infront of Cheryl and sitting opposite her. " So . . . what about tonight ?"

" Mmm . . . " the girl said again. Her gaze had now fallen to Kimberley's chest, which was barely being covered by the small vest top.

" Tonight . . . here . . . dinner ?"

" Ohh . . . " Cheryl said, everting her eyes. " Aye if your sure babe. What time ?"

Kimberley laughed once more, loving the effect her body was having on the brunette. " Well I have work, but I'll be finished at eight . . . What about you come over about nine. It's a bit late for cooking dinner though . . . why don't we just order out ?"

Cheryl nodded. " Sounds good babe."

Kimberley watched as the girl lifted the hot mug to her mouth. " I like that tattoo by the way," she said, her eyes looking at the tribal ink marking on her hand.

" Thanks . . . got it a few years ago. Have you got any ?"

Kimberley shook her head. " I'm too scared."

" It's not that bad. You get used to it after a while," the Geordie smiled.

" After a while  . . . how many have you got ?"

" I have four."

The older girl smiled . . . it didn't really suprise her at all. " Where abouts are they ?"

" Not tellin' ya !" Cheryl winked. She watched as the girl pouted. " Fine . . . I've got one on me thigh, one on the small of me back, and one on me bum, and this one obviously !" she said waving her hand about.

" Your bum !" Kimberley laughed.

The Geordie laughed along. " Aye . . . worst mistake of me life !"

" I'm sure it isn't that bad." Reaching across Kimberley took hold of Cheryl's hand that was resting on the table, and began tracing her finger over the tattoo. " I really like that you know."

Cheryl looked down and intertwined their fingers before looking back up. " Kimberley . . . " she started but was cut off by the sound of her phone. Sighing she pulled her hand away and began rummaging through her bag. " Hello," she said answering it. " Right mam . . . . yeah I'll be back soon . . . yeah . . . " Cheryl pulled the phone away from her ear. " Me mam says hi," she smiled to Kimberley.

" Hi Joan !" the older girl replied back.

" Aye mam she said hi . . . Right I'll be home soon . . . bye . . . love you too."

Smiling sadly Cheryl got up. " I need to go, but I'll be here at nine . . . is that ok ?"

Kimberley stood aswell, following the girl down the hall and over to the door. " Yeah that's fine babe."

Cheryl smiled before opening the door. Turning round, she wasn't sure if it was ok to kiss Kimberley on the lips or not so decided to kiss her cheek. " See you tonight," she smiled before walking away, leaving Kimberley standing, butterflies fluttering around in her tummy.

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