Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

After carrying her daughter back to their bed, and kissing her goodnight, Cheryl made her way back downstairs.

" So . . . " Nadine said as she entered the living room. " What happened ?"

Cheryl smiled before walking over to the sofa Nicola was on and sitting down beside her. " We're friends," she simply said, looking across at the Irish girl.

" Friends ?" the redhead repeated.

" Aye friends . . . What did you expect ? . . . for her to jump straight back into me arms, and anyways she's moved on . . . she has a boyfriend."

Both Nadine and Nicola glanced at each other, the same thought running through their heads.

" You can't give up," they both said at the same time.

Cheryl laughed. " There's nothing I can do . . . she's over me . . . she's moved on . . . she's happy.


" Right Cheryl . . . We're goin' now !" Nicola shouted from the hall.

" Ok babe . . . See you two later."

" Bye Robyn," they both shouted while opening the door.

" Bye," she shouted back from the top of the stairs.

After lieing to Kimberley and telling her they were both working, the girls decided to go out for a bit while she came over.

" Mam ?"

Turning round, Cheryl watched as Robyn walked into the living room, and sat down on the large chair.

" Yeah babe ?"

" Who's comin' over again ?"

Cheryl smiled. " Kimberley pet."

The youngster stayed silent for a minute, by the looks of it she was deep in thought. " Was that the woman last night ?" she eventually asked.

" Yeah babe . . . she was standing with me outside the car when you were sleeping. I didn't think you noticed her."

Robyn jumped off the chair. " Not really . . . I just remember thinking she was pretty before falling back asleep," she giggled.

Suddenly the buzzer sounded making Cheryl jump a little.

" I'll get it !" The girl smiled while running down the hall.

" Hello," she said pressing the intercome button.

" Ooh hello . . . is this Cheryl ?"

The youngster giggled sweetly. " No it's Robyn . . . her daughter."

" Well hello Robyn."

" I'll buzz you in Kimberley," she replied, pressing the button.

Robyn turned to see her mother smiling down at her. " I like her," she smiled.

" You've hardly talked to her," Cheryl laughed back.

Robyn shrugged. " She seems nice."

Suddenly the youngsters bold demeanor faded as the door sounded. Running behind her mum, she wrapped her arms around the top of the thighs. Cheryl laughed, shuffling towards the door, the girl still clinging to her.

" Hey babe," Kimberley smiled as soon as the door opened. " Hello Robyn," she then said, looking down at the girl, who was still hiding behind her mum.

" Hi," she mumbled back causing Cheryl to laugh.

" She's acting all shy," the Geordie winked.

" Ooh right." Kimberley nodded back with a smile on her face.

Everything fell silent as the two woman stood for a minute, just looking at one another.

" Sorry . . . come in babe," Cheryl laughed.

Kimberley giggled as she followed the Geordie down the hall and into the living room.  Robyn was still clinging to her, making it quite difficult for the girl to walk.

" Ooh," Kimberley said while reaching into her over sized bag. " I brought this for you Robyn." She pulled out a bag with Les Misérables wrote on the front. " It's got lost of merchandise and stuff like that in it." she said holding it out to the girl.

Robyn smiled before jumping off the sofa she was sitting on with her mum. " Thanks Kimberley," she said politely whilst taking the bag from her, immediately she began to rummage throught it's contents.

Cheryl watched as her daughter played with the small toys. She looked up at Kimberley, who was also watching the girl. " What are you like ?" she laughed.

The older woman turned. " What ?" she asked confused.

Cheryl smiled . . . that pout got to her everytime. " Using my poor, little, naive daughter to advertise on. You know now I'll need to take her to see you in Les Misérables."

Robyn gasped. " Ooo mam . . . can we ?"

Kimberley laughed. " Aww sorry, but it's ok . . . I can get you tickets for next week if you want ?"

" If it's not to much bother . . . "

" No no . . . don't be stupid," the older girl butted in.

" Well thanks babe." Cheryl then looked at Robyn. " What do you say ?"

The small girl got up, walking over to the woman. " Thanks Kimberley," she said before cuddling into her side.

Kimberley smiled sweetly, wrapping her arms around her. " It's no problem babe."


Kimberley parked the car beside Cheryl's as they arrived at her apartments. " Do you wanna come up ?" she asked the Geordie.

" We can't sorry. Me mams comin' doon to visit, and she'll be here soon."

" Aww ok," Kimberley said while turning her head to look at Robyn who was sitting in the back. " Well . . . do you remember Sarah ?"

" The blonde girl from Manchester, who stayed in Newcastle ?"

" Yeah," Kimberley nodded. " She's moved back to Manchester though . . . well anyways we're still good friends and she comin' down tomorrow for a few days."

Chery smiled, although it hurt that they had managed to keep in contact. " That's nice."

" Tomorrow we were goin' to have a girly night in since Justin's goin to be away . . .  visiting his daughter. Do you and the girls wanna come ?"

Although Cheryl made out she was thinking, she really couldn't say no. " Yeah that would be good. Me mam's takin' Robyn to the cinemas anyway."

Kimberley smiled, her grin infectious as the Geordie also found herself smiling. " Well we better be goin Robyn. Nan will be here soon."

The little girl unbuckled her seatbelt before jumping out of the large 4x4. " Come on mam !"

" Can you tell she loves her nan ?" Cheryl said while rolling her eyes.

After getting out Cheryl walked round to Kimberley's side,  pulling her into a tight embrace. " Thanks alot babe," she said while stroking her back.

Kimberley smiled while pulling away. " It's quite alright," and then she done something neither of them had expected. Leaning forward she gave the Geordie a quick peck on the lips. " I'm sorry," she immediately apologized.

The younger girl smiled. " It's ok," she reassured.

" Right well you better be off . . . before Robyn explodes."

Cheryl looked at her daughter . . . the frustration clearly plastered on her face. " Say bye to Kimberley."

Robyn walked over, flinging her arms around the girls waist. " Bye Kimberley. Thanks for the stuff."

" It's ok sweetie," she smiled back, her hand resting on the girls back.

After getting into her car, Cheryl tooted her horn and waved, feeling very excited about the following night.

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