Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

The sun shawn through the crack in the curtains, as Cheyl lay stroking her daughters bare stomach. She lay facing the youngster, a smile playing on her lips.

" Cheryl ?" someone whispered while opening the door slighty.

Cheryl turned to see Nicola popping her head in. " Babe it's ok . . . you can come in."

Smiling the redhead gently opened the door wide enough for her body to enter. Careful not to wake the sleeping girl, she tip toed over to the bed Cheryl shared with her daughter, and sat down on the edge of it. She looked down at the small child sympathetically. " Is she feelin' any better ?" she asked while thinking back to the previous night, and how poorly the little girl had been.

" Aye . . . she's stopped being sick, but she still has a fever . . . my poor wee baby's boilin' "

Nicola gently placed her hand next to Cheryl's on the girls stomach, even her torso was very warm to touch. " Maybe we should put her in my room. The doctor said to put her in a cool area, and mine has more windows."

Cheryl nodded before sitting up. Gently she picked Robyn up, who in turn began to moan. " Shh . . . it's ok angel. I'm just putting you into Nicola's bed."

Nicola walked to the door, opening it for cheryl . . . who had the girl in her arms. " Nicola . . . will you grab them little pants down there," the woman nodded to a small pile of clothes on the floor.

Once in Nicola's room, Cheryl lay the girl down on the large bed . . . she was slowly beginning to wake. The Geordie changed her quickly into a new pair of undies, keeping the rest of her bare. Nicola got to work opening all the curtains and windows, letting the cool air into the room.

" Am too warm mam," Robyn moaned, her little face flushed red.

" Shh . . . ano baby. Auntie Nadine will be in soon with them funky strips you put on your head . . . do you remember ?

Robyn nodded, opening her eyes slighly.

Cheryl smiled down at her daughter while she stroked her cheek. " And she's goin' to bring in your favourite ice cream . . . maybe that will cool you down."

By the time Robyn had settled into Nicola's bed, the redhead had went downstairs, grabbed a few of the girls favourite dvd's, and ran a clean tea towel under cold water. Running back up, she made her way back to her bedroom. " Here," she said, handing Cheryl the damp cloth. " Put that on her head the now . . . just until Nadine comes back."

" Thanks babe." Cheryl smiled. After placing the towel over the small girls head, the Geordie heard the sound of her mobile ringing.

" You go and get that . . .  It could be important. I'll look after Robyn," Nicola smiled before tuning her attention to the little girl, who by now was fully awake. " What one do you wanna watch ?" she said waving the selection of dvd's infront of her face, trying to cheer her up. " Hannah Montana, Hilary Duff or Zac Efron," she giggled, pleased with herself for remembering the actors names who stared in the films. As Nicola had predicted, Robyn picked Hannah Montana, although she knew they'd probably end up watching all three.

Cheryl ran down the hallway, and into her bedroom . . . answering her phone just in time. " Hello ?"

" Hey there," came a cheery reply.

" Aww hey Una."

" You ok ? . . . you sound stressed."

" God . . . you know me too well." Cheryl laughed. " Yeah a bit. Robyn was up all night being sick. She's better now . . . still got a fever though."

" Aw the poor little baby. Send my love to her . . . will ya."

" Ano I hate seeing her unwell. Ok babe . . . I will do."

" Well anyways I was phoning to ask you something. Last Saterday when you were off, we had a client in, and she gave us a couple of tickets for the West End musical she's in . . . very nice girl so she is. The boss said I could have them . . . since I like all that kind of stuff, and I was just wondering if you wanna come with me ? . . . I'd take Ben but he'll be away working."

Cheryl laughed to herself. When she first started a month ago, Una had told her about the name they gave to Sally aka The Boss. She was stern and strict, but to be honest, Cheryl liked that about her.

" Sounds good. What musical is it ?"

" Les Misérables. One of my favs."

The Geordies heart skipped a beat. She shut her eyes tightly, remembering the first time she had saw that musical . . . and who she saw it with.

" Cheryl ?"

" Hmm . . . yeah ?"

" Do you want to come with me ? . . . It's tomorrow night at eight.

" Erm . . . listen babe I need to go . . . Robyn's callin' me," she lied.

" I'll phone you tomorrow morning and let you know . . . ok ?"

" Ok hun. Remember and give Robyn my love."

" Will do . . . speak to you later."

" Ok . . . speak later."

Hanging up, Cheryl threw herself onto the bed, tears welling up in her eyes. After all these years she thought things would have got easier, but they hadn't. Everyday she thought about Kimberley, and instead of hurting a little less, it always hurt a little more.

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