Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

" So that Sarah girl is goin' to be there ?" Nicola asked as they drove to Kimberley's.

" Aye," Cheryl smiled back.

" Didn't she go with that David guy, and then he dumped her ?" Nadine then quizzed, her eyes focused on the road ahead of her.

" Am not sure to be honest, I do remember her bein' bit of a p!ss head though, and I'm sure she was a bit of a sl*t aswell," Cheryl laughed. " But . . . who am I to talk !"

" Right . . . we're here girlies," the Irish woman smiled, turning into Kimberley's apartment complex.

After getting the booze they brought out of the boot, the girls made their way up.

" Is her apartment nice ?" Nicola asked while they stood in the lift.

" Amazing ! . . .  It's massive, and really swanky."

The redhead smiled. " She must be minteed !"

All the girls nodded in unison. " Well she must be earnin' a decent wage with the job she has !" Nadine said, emphasizing the last two words.

Cheryl could feel her heart rate pick up as they made their way down the hallway leading to the girls apartment. Stopping at one of the large wooden doors, she turned to face her friends before knocking it twice.

No sooner had she knocked it, the door swung open, revealing Kimberley, who already looked a bit tipsy.

" Hello !" Smiling she motioned for the girls to enter, and hugged each of them as they did so. " Hope you brought drink," she laughed as she eyed up the bottles of booze they had.

" It would of been rude not too," Nicola winked.

Taking the bag, Kimberley had a peek inside. " God ! . . . we're goin' to be wrecked !" she laughed after eyeing ups it's contents. " Come on . . . let's go into the living room.

After meeting Sarah, and catching up a bit, all the girls sat down with their drinks . . . talking about anything, and nothing really.

" You need a hand babe ?" Cheryl asked walking into the kitchen.

Kimberley turned around and smiled. " Could you cut that lemon for me ?"

Smiling, Cheryl walked over, her body brushing against the girls as she reached across for the knife.

" Where's Coco ?" Cheryl asked while cutting the lemon in half, a little disappointed the little pup wasn't there.

" Justin took her with him to see Chloe," Kimberley replied with a smile.

" Aww that's sweet. Once I get me own house I'm goin' to get Robyn a puppy," the Geordie smiled.


After two hours of continuously drinking shot after shot, cocktail after cocktail all the girls were beyond drunk.

" Kimberley . . . !" Nicola said while standing up and pulling Nadine with her.

Both Sarah and Cheryl, who were sitting chatting away to each other looked up.

" We just wanna say," the redhead slurred, taking hold of Nadine's hand. " That we are truly sorry for the way we treated you ten years ago."

Kimberley who was sitting on one of the massive bean bags smiled. " You really dont have too . . . it doesn't really matter. We were all silly . . . "

" No no ! " Nadine cut in. " We shouldn't of said what we said about you."

Kimberley stood up and made her way over to the girls, staggering a little. " It's ok," she said while reaching up and running her hand through Nicola's hair. " And I'm sorry for sayin' that about your hair babe. It's no true . . . you look gorgeous." She then took hold of Nadine's hands " And I'm sorry for sayin' that about your hands . . . . they're lovely."

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