Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

" So . . . " Nicola said as Cheryl walked back into the living room after seeing Kimberley to the door.

The Geordie sat down on the chair opposite the girl. " So what ?"

" I wasn't born yesterday Cheryl ! . . . I can practically smell the sex in the air."

Cheryl burst out laughing. ' Trust Nicola,' she though while rolling her eyes.

" What happened last night ?" Nicola asked. She had been waiting all day for the Geordie to tell her.

That morning, Cheryl had went home and blatantly lied to her mum, telling her she had feel alseep at Kimberley's by accident. After that, Joan and Robyn set off, leaving Nadine and Nicole questioning her. Cheryl being Cheryl and not wanting to be late for work, ignored their speculations and questions . . . saying she would tell them later.

" We had sex last night." Cheryl rolled her eyes before continuing. " And just before you came in."

" You sh*gged last night ! . . . Wait . . . you sh*gged just then ! Where ?" The redhead gasped, unknown to her, she was sitting where the two lovers had just had sex.

" Does it matter ?" Cheryl replied, not because it bothered her, but because she didn't want to tell her friend she was now sitting in the exact place where Kimberley had f*cked her senseless.

" Cheryl ! . . . since when did you stop telling me these kind of things ?"

Admitting defeat, the brunette caved in. " Well last night I couldn't contain myself and well . . . came onto her. So we ended up having sex in her room." Nicola didn't reply, so Cheryl continued. " And then just there . . . we had sex on the sofa."

" The sofa !" the younger girl laughed, looking at the one opposite her.

" Not quite," Cheryl winked.

The look of disgust on Nicola's face was instant, as she shot up. " Cheryl !"

" You asked, and I wasn't going to have sex in the bed I shared with me daughter."

" Hmm . . . " the redhead replied while checking the sofa, and lifting up the pillows.

" What are you looking for ?" Cheryl asked, clearly amused.

Still carrying on with her investigation, Nicola turned for the briefest of moments and glared at the Geordie. " Deposits."

" I'm not a f*ckin' man !" Cheryl laughed. " And anyways Kimberley probably got them."

" Arghh Cheryl !" The redhead turned and launched one of the pillows at her friend. " Too much info !"

Just then the door sounded, and Nadine strolled in.

" God ! . . . I'm knackered," she sighed while plonking herself down on the sofa Nicola was currently standing infront.

Turning the redhead walked over to the opposite sofa and sat down, casually she looked over at Cheryl and smirked. " Guess what ?"

" What ?" The Irish girl grunted, her feet sore courtesy of the skyscraper heels she had worn to work.

" Cheryl and Kimberley had sex . . . twice !"

Nadine shot up. " Ohh my god ! When ? Where ?"

Sighing, the Geordie rolled her eyes once more. " How many times to I need to repeat this !? Last night at Kimberley's, and just there on the f*ckin' sofa !"

The Irish woman burst out laughing while looking over at Nicola.

" Not quite." The redhead winked, copying Cheryl's earlier statement. She continued to watched as the girl didn't move. " Aren't you disgusted . . . I was."

Nadine strugged. " I've lost count of the amount of times I've had sex on this sofa and the one your on," she smirked. Looking over at the chair Cheryl was on, Nadine then winked. " Or that chair. Rub it down with a baby wipe and it's fine."

Yet again the look of disgust returned to the girls face. " You two are terrible !" she said while shaking her head.

" Enough about sex on sofas," Nadine said. " Tell me about Kimberley and everything ? . . . What about Justin ?"

And so Cheryl started from the beginning, telling the girls everything that had happened over the past 24 hours.

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