Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

The following day, as usual, Cheryl went to her work. At lunchtime she tried calling Kimberley, only to find the phone was switched off, and it was going straight onto voicemail. Automatically the doubt and worry set in. ' Has she changed her mind ?' was the question playing over and over in her head. Trying to shake the thought, she phoned Robyn instead, telling her she couldn't wait until she was home because he missed her loads.

After work Cheryl went home, ate dinner with the girls, and then stuck her pjays on . . . the same question still running through her mind.

Just as her, Nicola and Nadine were watching a movie the buzzer went. All the girls frowned. Who could possibly be here at this time ?

" I'll get it," Cheryl said while rolling off the sofa. After walking down the hall, the girl buzzed whoever it was in, not even bothering to check. She then opened the door, only to find Kimberley standing there, a small holdall in one hand, and Coco in the other. She looked quite upset, but still she smiled.

" Hey," the older girl said, the sight of Cheryl causing her eyes to water.

" Kimberley ! What's wrong ?" Cheryl gasped while ushering the girl in.

Kimberley sighed before dumping her bag down. " Justin came back, and I broke up with him."

" Ohh," came the reply. The Geordie knew Kimberley was going to break up with him, but she was suprised at how quickly she had done it. She thought the girl would have left it to the following day , or maybe even the following week. " What happened ?"

" He was upset, he even told me he was planning on proposing next month," Kimberley replied, closing her eyes she tried to stop the flow of tears. " I feel terrible Cheryl. I told him he could have the flat, the car . . . everything, but he said he didn't want them and left." No longer able to hold the tears back, Kimberley burst out crying. " I just couldn't stay there myself . . . I just couldn't," she wept as Cheryl wrapped her in a loving hug.

" Shh . . . babe. Everythin' will be alright." the Geordie soothed. Although she was delighted she no longer had to share Kimberley, she also felt terrible. Justin was a nice guy . . .  he didn't deserve to be dumped like that.

" He hates me Cheryl !"

Cheryl began rubbing the girls back, hoping it would calm her down. " Baby he doesn't hate you. He's just upset."

Coco, who was sandwiched between the two woman began getting excited. Breaking free, she popped her head up and started licking Cheryl's face, causing both of them to laugh.

" Hello you," the brunette smiled before kissing the small puppy all over it's face. Taking the small dog for Kimberley, Cheryl smiled. " Babe you look tired. Go upstairs and I'll be up in a sec. My rooms the one right at the end of the hall."

While Kimberley made her way upstairs, Cheryl took Coco into the living room, hoping the girls would look after her. After explaining the situation to both of them, her friends gladly agreed, telling her to send their love to Kimberley, and that they would hopefully see her in the morning.


Cheryl watched from the door, as Kimberley began undressing. Although her girlfriend was hiding it well, she could tell the girl was still crying. After watching for a while longer, she then walked in and over to her, wrapping her arms around her bare waist from behind. " I love you," she whispered, hoping it might make her feel a bit better.

Still holding the vest top she was about to put on in her hand, Kimberley turned herself round in the Geordie's embrace. " I love you too. If I didn't I wouldn't be in this situation."

Cheryl stared at Kimberley, watching as her eyes produced fresh tears. Leaning forward, she kissed the girls neck a few times before snuggling into it, her grip becoming tighter around her waist. " Never leave me again," she sighed, her own eyes now welling up.

" I'll never leave you Cheryl," Kimberley replied. Pulling back she kissed her lips softly. " You'll have to put up with me forever now."

Both girls giggled through their tears.

" I think I can live with that," the Geordie smiled. " Now hurry up and get changed, because I can't wait to fall asleep in your arms tonight."

Once fully clothed in her pajamas, Kimberley climbed into bed beside her girlfriend, immediately she wrapped her arms around her. " Come here you."

Cheryl responded by turning to face the girl, her arms automatically falling onto her waist. Leaning forward she kissed Kimberley gently, letting it linger a little. " Can I take you out tomorrow ? . . . I mean only if your feeling up to it."

Kimberley smiled. " Like a date ?" She watched as Cheryl nodded shyly. " I'd love too. I've got somethin' I wanna give you anyways." She then laughed when the girl tried her best puppy dog eyes. " I'm not giving you it just now . . . you'll just have to wait."

Glad her girlfriend was feeling better, Cheryl leant forward and kissed her again. " Please," she mumbled on her lips before breaking the barrier and popping her tongue in. Gently, she began to explore her mouth, allowing her tongue to do the things she knew Kimberley liked. Pulling away she smiled.

" Mmm . . . that was nice, but I'm still not givin' it to you."

Annoyed that her efforts hadn't worked, Cheryl admitted defeat. " Fine, but it better be good," she winked.

" It is . . . I'm sure you'll love it," and with that, Kimberley kissed her girlfriend one last time before pulling her closer. " Let's get some sleep now."

Chery smiled while shuffling even closer . . . if it was even possible. Closing her eyes, she happily let sleep wash over. " Good night baby. I love you."

" Love you too."

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