Chapter 70: Love Life

Start from the beginning

That night, we texted...

"Hey bro! :D"

"Hi bro! :3"

Unfortunately, our call sign was bro...

"Have you eaten dinner yet? If you haven't you need to eat!"

"Yeah... I have... What about you?"

"Nah! I'm on a diet. ;)"

"What diet?! You're as thin as could be! Eat! :P"

"What?! I'm not thin bro. Remember? I'm MACHO! XD"

"Pfft! Yeah right! You're cute!"

I called him cute, because he really was. Attitude wise and height wise. I don't know why, but I thought height mattered to me. Skipper was an inch shorter than me, that was also one of my problems while having him as an MU in mind.

"No!!! I'm macho!!!"

"Alright. Alright. You're macho. But why are you so sweet?"

"Haha.. I don't know bro? I'm just meant to be sweet, especially to you!"

I should've asked him why he was so cheesy! LOL

"Why am I special to you?" I asked as I was still confused to why he loved me.

"Uhm.. This is what my heart is saying bro, you've inspired me. I'm like an ice cream over here who's melted for you."

"Cheesy much!"

He would keep on with the cheesy lines and I would keep on retorting to them, I didn't want to be flattered too much. It felt awkward to me for some reason. After half past ten, we said goodnight to each other and stopped our texting.

"So, good night bro! Take care always! Don't worry, I'll text you at dawn. :*"

"Pfft! Goodnight bro... :)"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tomorrow came and Skip texted me around nine o'clock. Not really dawn, huh bro?

I went on facebook around lunch time and saw that Chris has updated a post. It said, "Sorry guys! I've changed my cellphone number! Please save it! :D Its:  0XXX - XXX - XXXX Tell me who you guys are, okay? :D"

Suddenly, I had the urge to save it then text him. "Nii-chan~! It's me, Jade~! How are you? :3"

He replied minutes after, which made me so happy! I haven't heard from him in a long time! "Nee-chan! I'm good. You? :)"

"Oh, same old, same old... But I have something to tell ya~! :3"

"What is it? Tell me~!"

"Hehehe... I have an MU!" I don't know why, but I wanted to tell Chris about my love life, even though I was still single. Because he's always told me about his love life before, so I thought maybe I'd just share to him just this once.

"Really?! I'm so happy for you nee-chan! But... Why an MU? Why not boyfriend?"

"Well, you see... I'm not allowed to have one yet, and I wouldn't have one yet anyway because of my promise to my parents to have one after college. :P"

"Oh right! But you're still boring! Haha!"

"Hey!!! That's mean... :'("

"Haha.! Sorry Nee-chan. Cheer up~! ^_^"

"Thanks nii-chan... By the way, how's your love life?"

"Meh... I have a crush and am getting her to like me."

"Another one? -.-"

"What??? The last one always got angry at me, so I had to break up with her!"

"Psh! You're really a playboy nii-chan..."

"I am not! Anyways, good luck with your MU! I have classes to get to. :D"

"Okies~! Me too... Good luck with class! :)"

Even though that was such a short text conversation, I missed talking to him. And now that I had his new number, we could text whenever we wanted. Well... If we had the time and the load... Hahaha...

Somehow... I feel as if my feelings for Chris haven't disappeared yet...


Hey guys!!!

Chris is finally in a chapter! Although not much... But Jade's now more confused about her feelings, she doesn't feel certain about anything love related nowadays. It's really fascinating, at the same time, nerve-wracking! XD

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