Chapter 1

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The school bell rings, telling the students that it's recest. Everyone rushed towards the cafeteria except for one boy, Jeon Jungkook. He slowly walked to the library and study there.

Jungkook don't have friends, no, he doesn't make friends. A lots of students in the school wanted to be friends with him but he won't get too close to them because his reason was he always move to another school at least every 6 months. He was used with that kind of life, a lonely life, a life without friends.

After a few minutes later, a girl, named, Yoo Hyurin, came. She took the seat infront of him and called him,

" Jungkook," but he didn't reply because he was wearing his earphones, listening to music.

She waved her hand in front of him. He raised his head and took off one earpiece.

" Aren't you eating??" She asked.

" No. I'm not hungry." He said, putting on back his earpiece but she called him again. He ignored her but she didn't give up.

Hyurin was used by his coldness but she didn't care because she was the only girl Jungkook talk to and she had a crush since the first day Jungkook came, 6 months ago.

" What?" Jungkook looked at her.

" You have to eat. You might get a stomach ache later. Eat this. Bye!" She left after putting a bread on the table. Jungkook just take the bread and keep it.

Jungkook was walking at the hallway, towards his locker while eating his bread. A lot of girls admire him because of his looks. This girls didn't know much about him but just looking at his face makes their heart melt.

He sat down at his seat beside Hyurin. Hyurin looked at him and smiled.

" Have you eat the bread?"

" Yes. Thanks." Jungkook said, showing her a small smile which has made her heart go crazy. It wasn't easy to see him smile.

" No problem."

The teacher came in and they started their lesson.


School ends and Jungkook went straight to his house. He opened the door and saw his mom packing some stuff.

" Mom, are we moving again?"

" Yes. I got transferred again. I'm so sorry Kookie but can you please start packing your clothes? We're moving the day after tomorrow." Mrs Jeon said. Jungkook just smiled and nodded. He couldn't oppose to it. His mother are doing this for them to survive. She had to work hard for them to live and if he oppose to her, that'll disappointed her and he don't want that. He don't have a father, he passed away 14 years ago so he have to be strong for his mother and himself.

Jungkook was in his room, listening to music while humming. When he looked up, he saw Hyurin. He blink and at that time he was only wearing his basketball pants and singlet.

" What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, putting on a shirt as Hyurin just blushed.

" I came to ask you about math. Since you're good at it."

" Ah.."

" Why are you packing your clothes?" She asked as she looked around his room.

" I'm moving the day after tomorrow."

" What?! Why so suddenly?! Are you moving to another school too?"

" Yes."

" But... Jungkook, you can't go."

" Why not?" She thought for awhile.

" Because our soccer team needs you."

" Its just soccer besides there's Woohyun and Minho. They don't need me." He said then he turned around and suddenly Hyurin back hug him which make him shock.

The Princess And Me (Jeon Jungkook)(BTS)Where stories live. Discover now