"Sleep love. You two rest." He said setting me on the bed and kissing my forehead.

"I love you Ross." I said cracking my eyes open enough to see him smile at me. He kissed my cheek whispering an 'I love you too' back before walking to the closet while I fell asleep in nothing but a towel. I woke the next time in the car. Once Ross noticed I was awake he smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry if I woke you." He said and I shook my head. My stomach grumbles and Ross laughed reaching behind my seat pulling out a bag of white cheddar cheese-it's. I smiled and thanked him taking the bag from him.

"We are almost there Hun. Are you excited?" He asked and I nodded with a mouthful of cheese-it. He chuckled and carried on driving.

When I finished the little sandwich bag I crumpled it up and dusted off my hands into my lap so I could dust it off outside later instead of inside the car now.

Ross reached over and took the bag and reached behind my seat again putting it in what sounded like a plastic grocery bag. He then grabbed my hand and held it up to his face and gently rubbed the back of my hand to his lips. I leaned against the center console and he set our hands down on the arm rest between our seats and intertwined our fingers together.

"What do you think it is?" I asked try to start a conversation.

" I don't care. If it's a boy I can teach him to not be a player and to try to stick with one girl for a while but not be too intense. But also to find the right girl. Kind, nice, pretty, helpful, exedra. But if it's a girl I'll treat her like my little princess and teach her how to choose a good guy. What to look for. It's not just the looks you have to pay attention to. It's how they act and how they respond. If she rejects them they shouldn't be forceful. I won't be one of those extremely protective dads. I will set myself boundaries. But she is defiantly not dating till at least 16. No younger. That is the lowest for me." He says and it brought tears to my eyes. He didn't care what we had but he would teach them everything they needed to know and look for in their future spouses. I of course would teach them how to clean up after themselves and how to cook and bake for themselves. We would take turns or work together to help them with their homework and if we want to we could homeschool them. But we will only do that if they get bullied. We'll go to second grade and if they aren't being tormented or bullied about God knows what then we will let them stay. But as soon and my little prince or princess comes through the door crying because of someone at school bullying them I'm pulling them out and putting them in a private school or letting Stormie homeschool them. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to do that.

"That's so sweet." I say wiping my tears with my free hand.

"What's wrong?" He asks worried and I shake my head.

"Pregnancy hormones." I say and he nods.

"Ok we're here." He says getting out and coming to my door. He holds his hand out for me to take and I do. We walk hand in hand in side the medium cottage looking place and walk up to the desk. She smiles at us and stands.

"Ross. Laura. It's good to see you again." Sienna said. She is dressed in a pink nurses outfit and had a pen in her breast pocket with a mini notepad for quick reminders I'm guessing.

"I'll get you started and Dr. Sckyms (skims) will be with you shortly. She is checking up on another female patient at the moment but should be done by the time I have you in the room." She says grabbing a ready clipboard and walking back motioning is to follow.

"Ok take off your shoes and step on the scale please." She says and I do as told. She adjusts the triple beam scale.

"Ok 124 lbs." she says.

"Now turn around." She says looking up from the clipboard. I do so and she uses this measuring thing to measure my height.

"5ft 2in." She says and Ross chuckles. I glare at him and he stops instantly. I mentally flip my hair and pay attention to Sienna again. (For those who forgot she is Riker's mate) she takes my temperature then leads us to room 5. She takes my blood pressure and all the other things before smiling at us and leaving. He is sits in one of the chairs and I sit on the ultrasound chair. After a few minutes of just sitting in silence with Ross rubbing my belly Dr. Sckyms walks in and smiles at us.

"Hello Ross and Laura. I've heard lots of you from the alpha. Shall we see that baby of yours now?" She asks walking up to the sink to wash her hands. After she walks over to the monitor and turns it on.

"Yes." I say and she giggles.

"Ok lift your short and I'll put this gel on it." She says and I lift my shirt to just bellow my sports bra.

"Ok it may be cold." She said and I nodded. She squirt it on my womb and I jumped when the cold gel hit my skin. We all laughed and she grabbed the wand and moved it around smearing the gel around.

"Ah here they are." She says pointing to the scream. Our baby. Wait. Did she say they?

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