~After School~

Ever since the last bell rung, I feel like I've been in a whirlwind, "Woah! Hazza, ca you slow down a minute?" I said, out of breath as Harry had my hand and was running in the wind with me, "Sorry love, I'm just excited and ready to get out of here and spend some time with you" Harry said, I smiled as I got into his white and black Lamborghini.

"So just what kind of an evening do you have planned for us, Mr. Styles?" I asked, sitting in the passenger seat sideways facing him. He laughed, "Something you'll never wanna forget" he said simply. I smiled at how my mind started to think and imagine what the evenings plans were, each thought made me excited, anticipating on what could be.

Before I knew it Harry was calling my name, "Yes?" "You spaced on me babe we're here" "Oh sorry I was thinking of what it could be tonight" I said, as I got out of the car and made my way to the door with Harry locking hands with mine, "Okay this is what I need you to do I need you to get ready by at least 8 o'clock, ok?" I nodded my head yes "Good. Cause that's the only thing I need you to take care of, I'll handle the rest" he said, as he gave me a deepened kiss, before saying "I'll see you at 8." And then just like that he was out the door.

"Let's see right now it's 4 and I have 4 hours to do everything I need to get done" I say to no one in particular as I went ahead and got my things ready for me to take a shower, as I feel the water set to the right temperature, I hop in.

I think about how far Harry and I have come along, to think that at the start of this year we were enemies, we both had our own lane that we were to stick to and stay in; but as time went on did I think about a life with Harry? No way! I couldn't even see us in the same class, but as we know that was inevitable, but to be the girlfriend of Harry Styles of 4 months! It's something that I never would have dreamed that could happen to me, our paths in life were so different that they were to never be mixed with each other.

Harry having the great life and everything he could ever want at his finger tips, and him having to just be who was and make that the goal in life and as for me, well I figured my life would end up just as it always would me being an orphan never knowing who my family was if they were looking for me or even cared, and me living as a human target, but all that changed with the encounter of Harry, of course it's not every girl that can say that Harry changed their life even by being mean, sometimes I try to figure out how all this even just came to be but I guess that's only something God knows.

By the time I get out I see it's 5 o' clock, 'Wow I was in there a long time' I say to myself as I dry off and look in our closet to see what I could wear, as I scan the clothes I see a red dress that goes a little bit above my knee that has a sweetheart neckline, I see a note attached to the dress.

' Hi Princess, I figured you would come here after your shower and so I had this picked out for you ,since it's Valentine's Day, and don't worry I have shoes that go with it as well, can't wait to see you! I love you!-H'

I smiled, I love him so much, and so grateful for this man, I pulled the dress out and notice the shoes below it, "Hazza" I simply said as I placed the dress and shoes on the bed while I went to get my nails and toenails done along with my hair, I figured I would get it done differently this time, knowing this is a special day.

~3 Hours Later~

As I was finishing putting the final touches on my outfit and hair making sure that my hair's curls was in place, I hear a knock at the door. "Coming!" I say as I look myself over in the mirror one last time, before coming down the stairs and opening the door to find Harry standing there in a red and black pinstripe suit.

I was flabbergasted, "H-Harry, I wasn't expecting you to ring the doorbell of your own house" I say, as Harry held his hand out giving me a twirl out into the coldness. "You look...stunning" he said, as he looked me up and down. "And I just wanted this night to be about us, with no interruptions, no one being a part of this, just me and you" he said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I smiled at him as he led me to the car and opened the door for me, "Thank you" I said, shyly; As he came around to his side of the car, he started it up and next thing I know we're off, traveling to somewhere I know I've never been to.

We sat there making small talk and just sharing touches with each other, nothing sexual, just knowing that I have his attention, and he has mine. "Where we going? I don't think I've seen this road before" I said, looking out the window to unfamiliar street and signs. "Don't worry babe, we're going to a place that just right" Harry said, letting a chuckle. I nodded my head as a few minutes passed before we stopped approaching a beautiful lake, surrounding it are candles that are blue and a table sitting in the middle of it with dinner already served on it along with water and music playing in the background.

I was in shock to even notice Harry had already came around and opened my door, "Babe?" "This is so beautiful, this is too much Harry" I said, as a tear slipped from my eye. Harry helped me out and wiped my tear, "This is not even half of what I could wish I could show and tell you, there isn't enough love in the world combined to amount of the love I have for you, don't ever think that this too much, it's never enough" Harry said, before placing his lips on mine.

Between his words and lips made this seem so surreal and powerful, I couldn't help but lean into his strong arms, as he held me up; Harry ended the kiss much to my dismay and smiled knowing he has an effect on me, he walked me to the lake, "How is this even possible?" I ask looking down, "It's possible baby, you trust me right?" "Of course I do" I said placing my hand in his and walking on the floor and sitting in the chair, looking at our meal, we said grace and dug in.

~After the Date~

Our date was amazing it was everything I hoped for or could even imagine. We laughed, talked, played, cuddled, shared kisses, and it seems this night isn't over yet. We made it back to the house, and it being unusually quiet, "Why is it so quiet? I know it's 11 o'clock but still" I said, laughing as I watch Harry was attempting to get his tie off, only getting his hair tangled into it, "Babe can you help me? And my mum went over to Liam's house where all the lads are and took the girls with her, so we could have some alone time" Harry said, giving me his famous smirk.

I smiled as I finished getting his hair out of the tie and taking it off for him. "Thanks, did you enjoy the date?" "I did, it felt all so unreal, like I was in a fairytale" I said, as I sighed and laid on the bed after changing my clothes. "It should feel that way, because you're my Princess" Harry said, as he laid beside me, "I wish this night didn't have to end."

"Who said, it has to end?" Harry asked; as he laid on top of me, using his forearms to hold himself up leaning down to kiss me deeply.

"I love you"

"I love you too Princess."

He said, and that night it was proven multiple times.

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