Chapter 14: Leech

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I went off to train. I'll see you tonight. Tomorrow we should spend the day together if you don't have plans. Love, Dawn.

I ran my fingers across the paper before placing my head back on the pillow, wishing I could somehow find rest. My eyes felt dry, like wind had been blowing at them after a full day of flying. My body shook a little from its weakened state. All I wanted to do was lie in bed-

"Paul?" Nurse Joy poked her head into our room. I stood up quickly as I noticed her grim expression, knowing she wouldn't bother me if it wasn't important.

We rushed down the halls, our footsteps echoing against the tile. I pushed the door to Salamence's room open, instantly met by a grumbling moan.

Salamence's head drooped, his mouth touching the ground. He was in an awkward position, his neck almost strangled by the harness considering he wasn't supporting his own weight. Salamence didn't move despite how uncomfortable the position must have been. At closer inspection, I could tell he was shaking.

"He has calcium and vitamin D3 deficiencies." Nurse Joy explained, "Plus being in this room, away from the sun, isn't good for Dragon types. He needs to go outside."

"What can you do for him?" I put a hand on his head. He shut his eyes tighter. My fists clenched.

"I'm going to have to give him some injections. Right now he's refusing to eat since he's in so much pain, which doesn't help his strength level." Nurse Joy said.

I nodded, "Is there any way to allow him to go outside?"

"Yes, though we need to wait until he's in a more stable condition and see how he reacts to this." Nurse Joy rifled through a drawer, pulling out two needles that were easily meant for larger Pokemon. She walked over to Salamence, injecting him twice. He didn't even seem to notice, which made me realize how much pain he must be in to not notice two large needles going through his hard scales.

"This should help in an hour or so, but I'm sure he might be sleeping or eating before he's ready to go outside."

"Thank you." I said, bowing slightly.

Nurse Joy nodded once and walked out the door.

I sat down by Salamence's head, rubbing it gently, "I really am sorry, you know."

He rumbled once before his breathing slowed and his body relaxed. I felt as if Nurse Joy also may have given him some morphine, but perhaps he was just tired. I sat by my Dragon for a long time, not really thinking of anything in particular as I listened to his steady breathing.

Small footsteps woke me. The door shut. I looked up groggily to see Demi staring at me wide eyed, "Is he ok?"

I looked at Salamence, who was still asleep, "Yeah. He'll be fine."

"Oh, good." Demi rushed over, petting his neck gently, then kissed it, "I can tell he's dreaming peacefully and feeling much better than earlier."

"How did you know he wasn't feeling well?"

"I just had a feeling." Demi stated, "So that's why I'm here. I knew you wouldn't come to the church today, so I decided to come to you."

Demi sat her petite body down next to mine and leaned against the wall before fidgeting anxiously and sitting up straight, her eyes shining as she stared at me expectantly.

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