Chapter One

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I turned over to see what time it was, the clock read 12:58.

"Okay, if I'm going to leave I need to get started." I said to myself.

I scrambled across the room to stuff things in my bag and when I had everything I needed I walked into the hallway. I looked around to see if anyone was on patrol but I didn't see anyone but then I remembered they had security cameras. I saw that the wires were cut so that's good. I tried to be as quiet as I can because the floorboards squeaked really bad. My little sister was going to have to stay a little bit longer but I am coming back to get her, she is the only reason why I am leaving and some other reasons as well. I made it downstairs and into the living room without being caught but that's when I heard that familiar voice,Chase.

"Hey, what's the rush?" he said.

"Just get out of my way, got it." I said rushing past him.

I pushed him aside and went through the doors. Now here comes the difficult part there is barbed wires and fences if you ever drove past it would remind you of a prison but this is an adoption center to which I never got adopted so it was time to leave. Since I can't drive yet, I had to take a bike from a neighboring house and rode off into the night. Soon the sirens would go off; I only had them disabled for about three minutes so I have to peddle really hard and that's kind of difficult because I'm not the best biker in the world. Soon I was out of the district and on my way to another city to live with my grandma which will be very interesting. I had to think of fake names to use when i get there because they will be on the search for me. I went for a pretty well-known name which was, Emma Davidson, but my real name is Zoey Moore. I made a sharp turn into the woods so they couldn't see me. I knew the way the her house because I would always escape and go visit her but this is permanent. It was a full moon and cloudless so that was my light to guide the way. It felt like an eternity before I got there but it was only six; I could tell by the sun.

I made it to the store/house, a big building made out of bricks with the store downstairs and the housing upstairs, this is how they made their money. I looked in the garage to see if they were home and they were. I went through the doors and nobody was there so I decided to take a look around. They have a lot of antiques, random things, soda, candy,etc. Then I heard someone coming in through the back door. It was a short little old man with gray hair, light blue eyes with glasses on, and brown shirt with jeans and black steel toed boots. He saw me and went upstairs; I assumed to get my grandma or the police but I decided to go up there as well and that's when I saw her. I was about halfway up, when I saw my Nanna and I ran up the rest of the stairs to give her the biggest hug ever. She was a little taller than grandpa, blonde hair and brown eyes, a white blouse with a pink sweater over it and brown pants with house shoes.

"Is that my little Zoey?" she said with a smile.

"Yes, Nanna it's me and I'm not so little anymore." I said smiling back.

"Well, how old are you now?" she said.

"I'm fifteen now, Nanna."

"My, you take so much after your mother."

"Yes, and can you call me, Emma, when people are around."

"Now why on earth would I call you that?"

As I explained everything to her she finally agreed to call me, Emma, when we are around people just in case the police come into the next town but they probably won't because I'm not that important in that county actually I am more of a shadow there. I went searching around to find my moms old room and eventually I found it. The walls were painted lilac with a golden living tree, the bed was a queen size with light blue sheets on it, a vanity, brown dresser, a closet, and a hope chest but i couldn't bring myself to look through it just yet. The tree painted on the wall is exactly the same as my necklace my mom gave to me before she died. I took a deep breath to let everything in but so many memories came back to my mind when I lived with her, came here for holidays, for our grandparents birthdays, and when Lydia was born we came here so they could see her. They cried for days when they saw her because she looks so much like mom, she is basically her mini twin and has the same spirit as mom. I started to unpack my stuff after the tornado of emotions that were swarming me. Then I went outside to take a walk and listen to music on my phone which always makes me feel better. A few twists and turns and I ended up in the woods where a fawn and a doe were staring straight at me but when I approached them, they didn't run away from me. I was really confused and had no idea what was going on.

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