Camila's POV

Relief came over me when I found out that we had a substitute for math class. Oscar was probably too high to come and teach kids. Hopefully he wouldn't come back to school.

Going on a walk certainly wouldn't be bad either. Sure, I dislike physical activity, but at least I'd be able to talk to people and not get in trouble. We would be able to do our own thing, as long as we followed the teacher wherever he was going.

Throughout the class, I mainly walked with Selena, yet Ashley and Vanessa were right behind us. We talked about a lot of things while we walked. I also took notice of others, how Nick and Kevin were looking to make new friends, how Ally was having a nice time with Troy and Dinah, how Alessia was texting, how Louis and Harry were prancing people while Liam shook his head in dismay.

While I did this, I wondered what it would be like if there was no tension between anyone. If everyone would just be friends and like each other, there wouldn't be any problems. At least not friendship ones. I knew very well that people had other problems like Lauren and I did.

"Earth to Camila," Vanessa said while waving a hand in front of my face, pulling me out of my thoughts, "So what do you think?" "About?" I asked. "Do you want to come with us to Six Flags this weekend?" Ashley questioned. "I've never been, is it fun?" I asked. "For sure!" Vanessa exclaimed. "I'll see if I can come," I replied.

Before we could say anything more, we got back to school. Ashley's class changed out of their gym clothes while my class waited for the bell to ring. I chatted with Selena and Vanessa until the bell finally did ring, and as Selena and Vanessa began to leave, Harry came up to me.

"You still on for our date?" Harry asked. "Definitely," I replied with a smile. "I'll meet you at your locker in ten minutes," he winked and with that he walked away.

"Ooh la la, I didn't know you had a date," Vanessa winked at me when he left. I smiled. "I hope it goes well," I told her. I didn't dare look at Selena when I said that, I didn't want to see her reaction. In fact, I quickly changed the subject and asked, "So about Six Flags, who's going to come besides you two and Ashley?"

"Miley, Demi, and Lauren are definitely invited," Vanessa said. "Won't Miley and Demi still be pissed off at each other?" I asked. "They'll get over it by then," Vanessa shrugged. "I wouldn't be so sure," Selena commented. "They're both our friends, though. We can't just not invite one of them," Vanessa remarked. "That's true," I stated.

"I know, but I don't want any drama," Selena whined cutely. "Dude we're like Mean Girls, we don't have a day without drama," Vanessa pointed out. "What's Mean Girls?" I asked. "How do you not know? Have you been living under a rock?" Vanessa questioned as we reached the lockers. "No, in a tunnel," I replied while opening my locker. "I'm kidding," I said after seeing their reactions, even though I wasn't kidding.

Harry then walked up to us. "Hey girls," he said. I smiled while Vanessa and Selena greeted him. "Are you ready?" Harry asked me. "Almost," I replied, "I'll meet you outside, alright?" "Yeah sure," he said, and with that he left.

Lauren came as he left. "Are you ready to leave?" Lauren asked. "Oh, I'm not going home. I'm going out with Harry," I replied. "Oh, alright. Just be home by five. I don't know what we have planned," she sighed. With that, she walked away as I hurried to get my jacket.

"Camila, come here. Let me put some makeup on you for your date," Vanessa said as Ashley Demi walked up to us. "You're going on a date?" Demi asked. "Yes, now let me do my work!" Vanessa replied for me as she took out some eye liner, mascara, blush, and lip stick.

She worked her magic in a hurry, and before I knew it I was being hurried out of the school towards Harry. As soon as he saw me, he smiled. "Camila, you look smashing," he said, causing the corners of my lips to turn up. He took my hand and lead me to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I entered the car. "It's a surprise," he replied with a smirk on his face which was kind of creepy yet I didn't say anything about it. "I'm going to need you to wear a blindfold, though. I don't want you to see where we're going until we're there," he said.

Usually, I wouldn't let someone put a blindfold on me. However, because it was Harry, I decided to give him a chance. I just hoped nothing bad would happen.

Demi's POV

As we rushed Camila out of the building, Miley walked up to us. I rolled my eyes and went back to my locker. I opened it and pretended to look for something as Maya and Alessia walked past.

"Really? Are you sure?" Maya asked. "Well I'm pretty sure. I'm never wrong about this kind of stuff. But I really do think Selena likes Camila," Alessia replied. "How do you know?" Maya questioned. "It's in the way she looks at her. Selena looks at her with admiration, with passion, and with trust. I know the look because I've given it before," Alessia said, mumbling the last part. "Swaggy. I have a plan, I'll text it to you later," Maya told her. "Okay, peace. Hey Bianca! Katina! Wait up!" Alessia called to two girls that I knew and were apparently her friends.

I hid my head in the locker during this whole conversation, and once I ended I hurried towards Selena. She was talking with Miley, but at this point I didn't care because I had to tell Selena what had happened.

Hurriedly, I tapped Selena's shoulder. "I need to talk to you. NOW," I stressed. Selena looked from me to Miley and then back to me. She clearly didn't know what to do.

"Excuse me? We were kind of talking here," Miley glared at me. "It sucks, doesn't it? Getting someone who means a lot to you to just stolen away from you," I shot back. With that, I walked off with Selena close behind.

"Bitch," I muttered underneath my breath. "She doesn't mean to be," Selena piped in as we got into my car. "What makes you say that?" I asked. "She told me so," Selena mumbled. "Miley's probably just trying to get you to be friends with you again so she can turn you against me," I rolled my eyes, "but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Okay, what is it?" Selena asked. "Alessia knows your secret, and Maya's going to try to take advantage of it," I replied. Selena was taken aback by this. "W-What?" she asked, startled.

Katina, Bianca, and Alessia then walked past our car, so I couldn't clarify. Alessia waved at Selena and I. Even though we were both pissed, we faked smiles and waved back.

"Just pretend you're straight around Alessia," I told her once they left. "I can't do that. I don't know how to hide my feelings," she replied. "Don't worry. They probably won't do anything," I tried to assure her. "I hope so," Selena replied.

With that, I started the car and headed to drop Selena off at her house. As she got out of the car, a van came down the street. The car parked in front of mine and someone got out of it. I couldn't believe who it was.

** who do you think it was? Comment ur ideas I just wanna see what u think but I already know what's gonna happen ;) OMG GUYS THOUGH FIFTH HARMONY'S SINGLE IS COMING OUT TOMORROW, I CAN'T DEAL!! JUST THE PREVIEW KILLED ME.... IM SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW IM GONNA DIE OKAY BYE

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