Ch. 10: The Holidays are Here...

Start from the beginning

You put the lid back on your bottle and placed it back on your nightstand before turning your attention back to Mark, nodding your head with a small smile. "That should be fun!" You hum, "When are you planning on flying out?" You ask.

"I think I'm going to book it for maybe noon on the twenty-fourth to head out, and stay for a few days. Maybe head back home on the twenty ninth, thirtieth the latest." Mark shrugs slightly, "I haven't booked any flights yet, so I will see what is available later when I look." He fidgets slightly and scratches the back of his neck. You tilt your head slightly, watching as he glances around the room. "You can come, if you want. I mean, you don't have to, I won't force you."

You shook your head, smiling softly at his offer. "No, I don't want you to have to feel like you're obligated to bring me with you. Thanksgiving is supposed to be spent with family. I'll be fine." You said.

Mark frowns, staring at you as he sat in thought. "Are you sure? my family won't mind you coming with me." He asks as you nod your head. He sighs softly and nods, "We have another week until I have to head out. If you change your mind, let me know." He stands up and ran his fingers through his hair, heading towards your door.

As much as you would love to go, you couldn't bring yourself to saying yes. You didn't want Mark to feel like he had to bring you because it was the right thing to do than to leave you at home alone on the holidays. It's Mark's family, and you didn't want to get in the way nor did you want to have it be all awkward when you should be talking and having a great time.

"Well, I'm going to go and start recording so my videos don't stop uploading through the week that I'm gone. Maybe later, if I can get done with a few videos we can do something together." Mark offers, and you nod at him once more. He smiles before slipping out of your room and shut the door behind himself.

You run your hand over your face before you get up out of bed and opened the slider door to let fresh air into your room, then you got back in bed and resumed your movie.

-Day Before Mark Leaves-

You were in Mark's room, helping him with his packing. He decided to pack the day before he flies out, and he was running behind. He still had a few more videos to edit, finish packing, make sure he has everything he needs and has his ticket and passport before he leaves.

"I guess the good thing I can say about you packing is that you actually fold your clothes and put them neatly into your suitcase." You chuckle, watching him look through his closet. "I was for sure going to have to fold them for you." You smirk, leaning back on your hands with a sigh.

Mark pulls out a blue shirt with black stripes, he smiles at you and shakes his head. "Hey now, I've been fending for myself just fine. I know how to fold clothes and pack them away nicely." He hums as he folds the shirt up and tucks it away in his suitcase.

You shift and move so you were on your side, propping yourself up on your elbow and rested your head in your hand. "Then why the hell am I here then?" You shook your head, giggling softly.

Mark looks at you and pouts slightly, "Because I asked for it!" He says, grabbing on of his shirts and threw it at your face.
"Plus, I wanted to spend more time with you before I leave." He admits quietly, you hear slight guilt lacing his words. "I still feel bad for leaving you home alone for Thanksgiving."

You pulled the shirt off your face and tossed it back at him, which he easily caught it. "Mark..." You sigh softly, "I'll be fine. Okay?" You try to reassure him, it was sweet that he was thinking about you but you didn't want to just barge in when his family is only expecting him. "I've spent holidays alone before, I can do it again."

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