"Makada you are hallucinating."

"Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what I am seeing?" I hissed and fled off the bed and into Jinx's face.

"You fucking betrayed me. Not only me but the entire gang. You are a fucking enemy now." I stated dangerously low.

"I did it to save fucking you." She yelled.

"Next time allow me to die instead of trying to kill my brother." I yelled.

Our breathing was shallow and it took everything within us not to rip each other to shreds.
"You are no longer second hand man in my gang. You are now a mere underdog. You should feel happy I didn't permanently exclude you from the gang." I growled.

"You are not serious?!" She asked wide eyed.

"I am dead serious. Now get the fuck out of my house." I snarled.

She shook her head lightly and walked out of my room. She stopped at the door and turned slightly, "she really do love you Scar. Its only for you now to realize that." And with that she was gone.


"No Janet, Chris is a liar. Don't believe him." I wallowed as I stuffed my face with cookie dough ice cream. I stared intently at the Spanish soap opera and felt closer to the characters.

Its ironic how I'm the one crying my eyes out while I'm pretty sure Scar is maybe killing someone. Its been maybe two, three days since our argument and I've never left this position since.

I haven't taken a bath in so many days and the food which I kept ordering from room service was my only source if nutrition. I decided to leave Kelly in the apartment and I went to my penthouse suite in the tradewinds hotel.

The blinds were all shut, leaving the room in a dark haze. My Sanity was slowly leaving and I knew I had to get out of the apartment at sometime. I felt hopeless. No amount of ice cream can fathom how I feel right now.

I rubbed my stomach, remembering that I have a little one growing inside me now. Soon he will get bigger and I'll have my baby boy with me. I smiled as I remembered how scared I was to have a child but Scar reassured me that I'll make a great mother. Also the time when she convinced me to ride on a motorcycle with her, almost killing me in the process. I remember her laugh and how cute she looked with the wind blowing in her face. I missed her so much.

My heart was slowly dying and only Scar has the will to revive it. The soap opera ended which left the room in a dark shadowy pit. I felt the soft damp drops if tears on my hand and I didn't bother to wipe the tears. The spoon dropped into the bowl of ice cream and I gently laid back onto my bed.

Every time felt surreal. One moment I was about to get fucked senselessly and the next I'm screaming for the love of my life to come back. I love scar so much and I know I hurt her in the worst way possible but I just hope that she forgives me one day. If not for the sake of me but for the sake of our unborn child.

"Sydney open the fucking door!" I heard yelling from the outside of my door.

"No! Leave me here to die." I cried.

"Sydney don't let me break this door down!" She yelled.

"Don't you dare. That door was hand crafted from fine Italian oak wood." I quickly stood up and rushed to the door. Jinx stood outside with a permanent scowl on her face.

"You need to get back scar."

"She hates me!" I said weakly.

"She doesn't hate you Sydney, she hates what you did. And quite frankly you deserved it, we both do. That isn't the point tho." Jinx stated. I walked away from the door and into the house and I knew she was following me.

"Scar hates me Jinx."

"She also hates me but I still went and tried fixing amends with her."

"Basing on how sorrowful you look I'm guessing it didn't go well."

"Yeah she sort of made me an underdog in the gang."

"Ouch!" I stated.

"We need a plan Sydney. I am not loosing my best friend and you are not loosing the love of your life. So go take a bath because you smell like a skunk and let's go."

"I am not smelling that bad Jinx." I said and instinctively smelt my arm. The smell hit me like an earthquake and I quickly pulled my face away.

"Okay maybe you're right!"
Jinx laughed and I proceeded to the bathroom.

I really hope this works.

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