Chapter 45

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Hailey's P.o.v

"Try it. Just try the chocolate!"Ryder screamed .

"No way I'm trying the devil's shit! "

"Just taste one. "

"No! "

"Baby please! Skittles are
so expensive! I'm broke! "

"Fine! Only because your poor ass don't have money. "

"Hey! "

"You want me to eat this shit or not? "

"Okay! "

I bit a piece of Snickers bar and I swear it exploded in my mouth! It was delicious, just to sweet.

"This is great. "

"Why didn't you eat chocolate ?"

"My mother! From a kid she set me on a no chocolate diet. I can't blame her really, this is very sweet. I would get a sugar rush immediately. "

"Do you like it? "

"Hell yeah !"

"Do you want more? "

"Hell yeah! "

Hours later I was bouncing off the walls.

"Have you ever felt higher than high? "I asked Ryder.

"Like all you wanted to do was fly? "

"Yeah, I don't think so. "

"Ryder! "

"Yh? "

"Whens your birthday. "I said while jumping on his bed.

"In two weeks ."

"What! Oh my gosh! I didn't know that! Wait, your birthday is on Christmas' week? "

"Yeah the 24th actually. "

"Do you always get one gift? "I asked.

"Yes ,if a kiss from your mom counts

"Yes it does actually ."

"HACHOO! "I sneezed a loud and embarrassing sneeze "excuse me. "I laughed.

"I think I'm coming down with the flu. "

"Awe my poor baby. "Ryder laughed.

"Stop laughing! "I couldn't help the few giggles that escaped my lips.

Ryder placed a soft kiss on my lips "If my baby's got the flu, I've gotta have it too. "He smiled.


Ryder and I had already arrived at school, walking to our next class when when Sasha strutted up to us.

"Hey baby! "She said while pushing me away from Ryder.

The look of disgust couldn't be mistaken on Ryder's face.

"Get off of me. "He nearly growled.

I got up off the ground "You heard him, get away you slut. "By now we had already attracted a crowd. It didn't surprise me.

The school slut +the school nerd who's boyfriend is the school's bad boy =TROUBLE

"I'm the slut ?"she asked.

"Clearly. "

"Are you sure you're not the slut? "

-Ryder's P.o.v -

Nobody insults Hailey !

I was about to pounce on Sasha when I remembered I can't hit a girl. I couldn't become my father.

"Call her a slut one more time Sasha and I won't hesitate! "He taunted.

Sasha looked astonished "you're on her side? I thought you loved me! "

"We never had a thing but just insult Hailey one more time and my fist and your face will. "

"Ryder I don't.... I'm pregnant! "

"And I'm not the father! You are a whore, nobody knows who the father is. Not even Muary .I used protection! I'm not the father. "I laughed "you better get going, I mean you've got a baby daddy to find ."


"Just pick a name out of the hat and whoever's name you get you buy a gift for them. "Hailey said.

"Will your mother be joining us? "My mother asked.

"Actually she won't, she normal spends Christmas in Paris, where she works, and she ships me a gift every year. "

"Do you stay in a house all alone every year? "My mother questioned again.

"No, usually my aunt comes to stay with me but she's pregnant or maybe she already has the baby but she can't come now and my grandmother is replacing her. "

"Do you.... "

"Mom I think you should stop the questioning for now. "Hailey was getting sad and you could see that.

"Well let's pick a name. "My mother said obviously feeling the tension now.

Surprisingly I got Hailey's name.

"Don't say who's name you got. It's a surprise. "


Sorry for the late update.

Merry Christmas though!

18 days to Christmas (06th December 2015)

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