Chapter 3.--The beginning of blackmail

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HAILEY THOMAS -*-Nina Dobrev


Ryder came home at twelve exact. Logan told me his mother worked night shifts and that she'd be home in the morning. He also told me that once Ryder brought him to a party and Ryder drunk drove them home.

Tell me Ryder doesn't have a few loose screws in his head.
Logan fell asleep at nine after watching Ben ten and naruto reruns .I fell asleep near him then woke up at eleven.

Ryder came home pretty drunk too.

"HEYYY Cute stuff. Come Kissss meee. "

"Ew .No! What's wrong with you Ryder. "

I realized it would be bad to leave little loggy alone so I decided to stay after getting my mother's approval.

I laid down near loggy again and soon fell asleep.

But can someone explain why I'm in Ryder's bed now that I've woken up ?

I tried to roll over but realized I was trapped. His boulder of a hand was sprawled over my chest.

Wiggling my hand out of his grip wasn't quite easy. I slapped his face multiple times before he woke.

"What!"he screamed.

"What am I doing in your room! "

"I carried you in last night and I have a hangover ,keep it down! "

"You're the one screaming. "

I was on my way out when loggy woke up.

"Hey bud. "I said to him.

"Hey hailey. You'we leaving. "

"Yh. Your mommy will be home soon. "

"Actually she'll be hewe about now. "

"Okay. Bye loggy."

"Bye,Hailey.Wait can I call you hail. "

"Sure loggy .Bye."

I slipped out the house and dashed into mine.

In no time I was up and out of the house. I sped walked to school, on my way there Ryder offered me a lift.And I accepted!

His vehicle was really nice.A black and white Mitsubishi Lancer.

This was my second detention.2 down 1 to go.

"Hailey, I need a favour. "Ryder said the moment the teacher stepped out.

"What is it this time. "

"I need you to go clothes shopping for me. My mother can't do it she doesn't have taste in clothing and I hate shopping. "

"Ugh, when? "I asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon. "

"But I'm working tomorrow."

He waved his phone before my face.

"Ugh! Please stop with the blackmail. Would you like if I had naked pictures of you and threatened to post it online. No. You wouldn't. Your reputation would be damaged. Your future would be damaged. Especially if your mother was overprotective. You wouldn't have a place to live when she  deems you unworthy of living in their house..... "

"Ms. Thomas, sit down and shut your mouth! "The detention teacher said.

I slung my bag across my shoulders and stomped of. Make it 1 down 2 to go.

I'm sick and tired of this blackmailing shit and I'm gonna put an end to it.

Chapter 3

Hope you enjoy.


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