Chapter 23~~I thought she liked me

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Ryder kissed me!

I kissed back!

I had fun with Ryder!

I'm surprised fun and Ryder actually fit in a true sentence.

I just can't really believe I had fun with Ryder.

Of all people to have fun with I had it with Ryder.

It's a real shock.

My feelings for Ryder is now
sky high!

Like feelings -100

Hate feelings - -1(negative one )

Get it together Hailey! Keep your walls up!

A nagging voice in my head said!

It was obviously the more serious part of me. The one I hated the most.

Probably because she was always right.

Anyways,after Ryder and I kissed it was awkward.

Neither of us knew what to do.

Then Ryder kissed me again.

Afterwards we kind of ignored the awkwardness and did 'fun stuff 'as Ryder put it.

I never knew Ryder could be so fun. But I shouldn't trust him.

I was also really shocked to hear he liked me. I just didn't know what to do. Whether I should proclaim my undying like for him or ignore it and play it off.

I chose ignore him and play it off but looking back I think I shouldn't have done the latter.

I think he would be much more relieved to know that I reciprocate his actions.

I suddenly got a text message from...

Ryder: you love pretty when you're thinking .

Hailey: Creep, stop stalking me.

Ryder: I know you like this 'creep '.

How'd he know.

Maybe it's one of those trick questions when you ask 'how'd you know' and they say 'you just told me '

Hailey: You're lying to yourself.

Ryder's P.O.V

Hailey ♥♥:You're lying to yourself.

That message killed me. I actually thought she liked me.

She kissed back. TWICE!

If that doesn't scream like then what does.

I guess I'm just going to try harder!


Some people requested more chapters so I'll update Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays.

An extra day!!!!

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