Chapter 5--County Fair

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I still hated Ryder but I could finally take on his shit. He kinda got nicer. Yes, I know shocker!

He took my advice and brought me on a date. He brought me to the 'County Fair '. It's an annual fair that the town hosts.

"What are we gonna do first? "Ryder asked.

"Ferris wheel! "I screamed.

"No,cotton candy! "

''Whatever,cotton candy it is. "

"No,I brought you on this date.It's only fair I treat you like you're on a date. "

"Awe,you're so sw... "he cut me off.

"Just kidding, to the cotton candy booth we go. "He chuckled at my new mood, anger.

I scowled and followed him to the cotton candy booth .

We bought two cotton candies, one blue and one pink. Obviously the blue was mine since I hate pink. Although Ryder argued that blue was more masculine, I told him "Cotton candy is cotton candy no matter the color. "But he used it against me. I decided to dump the pink cotton candy but he refused to let me and finally exchanged .

"Off to the Ferris wheels! "

"Okay. "

We waited in a long queue and finally, got there. We hoped on and waited for it to begin .

The Ferris wheel was loud, vomit filled, and just simply disgusting. Messing with my 'grade A' view of Ferris wheels.

"Why don't we go eat something. "Ryder offered.

"After all that vomit? I think not. "

"Okay, well let's go to the roller coaster. "

"I hope it has less vomit. "

We had gone on every ride there was. The scariest was the Dare Devil twist. The roller coaster would go in millions of circles. I seriously felt like I was flying. It would curl and bend , twist ,go upside down. It was amazing!

The hair pin bend was a very nice one too. It would go in a continuous zigzag motion but it would twist here and there .

The downhill trek was a tough one to manage but it was good . It would go straight in the beginning then it would just totally go down hill . After it would go straight again and we'd just suddenly go downhill and the hill was so steep you'd thought you'd have fallen off.

That wasn't nearly all of it.

Afterwards we ate at McDonalds. I didn't want to seem too rude so I paid. He seemed to have no shame in letting a girl pay for him without argument.

This date showed me that Ryder was quite indecisive . He was a bit bossy at times but other times he was alright . He always wanted what he wanted and he wanted it first, before anyone else got what they wanted. He was a bit of a miser and didn't want to pay much money for anything. Most of the rides I paid. But in conclusion I had fun.

I know, I know, Ryder and fun in the same sentence doesn't go together. Let's just call it a negative statement.

Hello readers, possibly writers...

I'm sorry for the late update. Friday was the deadline but I handed it up Sunday.
Accept my apologies. But I was sick on Friday and Saturday was recovery day. I just finished it. Haven't quite edited .

I wanted to ask

What are you Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, scorpio,Sagittarius, Pisces ... etc.

I'm Taurus by the way.

And my Silent Readers (+Non Silent readers ) please come out of your shell and




Next update:07th July (This week Tuesday )

♥♥B.Nelly ❤❤

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