Chapter 19-- Why are you stammering

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Hailey's P.O.V

"You better behave yourself young woman . Your grandmother is coming to keep an eye on you while I'm gone .If I come back and hear any bad reports from her you will be punished. "

My mother was going on her usual business trip. She was recently on vacation and now she was going back to work. In Paris.


Truly I couldn't wait for her to leave . She was a pain in the ass.

She normally left me with my aunt but she was in labor and couldn't do so, so she has left me with my grandmother.

My aunt was just as strict as my mother when it came down to academics.

I'm not to sure about my grandmother though.

"Bye, I'll miss you too . "I lied.

Just as my mother left I changed into some comforting clothing and headed over to Ryder's place to babysit little loggy .

After basically breaking down the door Ryder opened.

He looked utterly shocked.

"Uh, um h-hey H-hailey. W-what are you d-doing h-here? "Ryder stammered.

"Why are you stammering? "

"N-no reason. Why are you here anyways. "He tried changing the subject.

"Your mother asked me to babysit loggy tonight. "

"Oh, then come on in. "

There's a catch to this sudden burst of sweetness.

"What's the catch Ryder? "

"What catch? "

" Don't play dumb with me. Why are you suddenly nice? "

"J-just having uh a good day, yeah. "

"You're lying. I always thought the bad boy would be awesome at lying. I was deeply mistaken. "I laughed.

"Oh shut up. "He turned on his heel and started walking away when I stopped him.

"Oh umm .Thank you Ryder. "

"For what? "

"You haven't blackmailed me in four days. That's the longest you've gone so far. "

"About that, let's just forget it ever happened. Why don't we start a fresh. "

I don't trust this! It's a prank. He's fooling me! He's luring me in with charm! And then he's going to humiliate me! In front of the entire school body.

I don't trust this "fresh start " business. It's a trap.

But how can I put that to words without him getting suspicious?

"I'll ponder on that thought. "I said then walked away to Logan's room.

Ok here's the plan, I'm going to give short chapters now that I'm on school break and I'm going to give them every Wednesday and Sunday.

When school begins I'm going to give you long chapters . I'll figure out a schedule when school begins.

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