Chapter 18~~Buzz kill!

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Hailey's P.O.V

"HAILEY! The neighbor's son is here for you. "My mother shouted.

Why is Ryder here?

Last time I checked he hated me.

Imagine my shock when I stumble downstairs and find myself little loggy.

"Hey bud. What's up? "

"I have something here, you need to hear. "He said.

"Hailey, you have ten minutes with this kid. No longer, or else I'll drag him home myself. "

"Okay mother. "

When we reached upstairs Logan took a seat on my bed and I sat at my desk.

"What's wrong with your mother? I smell buzz kill. "

"She's better than usual actually. Seeing the fact that she let you in . "

"She's very insecure, I can tell . "

"How? "

" Her outfit was perfectly cleaned and completly wrinkle less. Her hair, not a strand free ..."

"Okay, we're a bit off topic. Why are you here? "

"Listen to this. "He stretched out his toy recorded towards me.

For a few minutes we silently listened to Ryder confessing his undying like for a girl.

Just as my mother popped her head through the door we reached the end .

"You have 2 minutes left. "She said and left.

"Logan how'd you make this? It sounds almost real. "

"Probably because it is. "

"Such a wild imagination."

"But it's true. "

"Logan, is it April's fool day. Wait, no, you're like 5 months early. Geesh, someone's an early bird. "

Again my mother popped her head in "Time's up. "

"Bye Logan, thanks for the early fool. I feel really dumb, I actually, kind of believed you. "

"Bye hails. "He said "I smell buzz kill! "He shouted from downstairs.

Little kids and the vivid imagination. Wild and crazy, fun things go on in their little minds and I'm sitting here with my vague imagination. Dull and boring basically describes everything that goes on in there.


For those of you who are oblivious to the phrase "buzz kill " it means killing the fun.
By the way that's my definition.

Another update for my great people!

Thank you for all the 'update 's it really motivated me to write knowing that people actually wanted it.

Hugs and kisses to you all.


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