Chapter 2.--Let me get this straight

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Ian Somerholder(I think I spelt it wrong ) ... Ryder West.

Hailey's P.O.V

Okay let me get this straight.

The bad boy saw me naked.

The bad boy took pictures of me naked

The bad boy is threatening to blackmail me because of my naked pictures .

What a sad life I have.

I don't even want to go to school.

'I have naked pictures of you,just imagine what I can do with it. 'These words lingered in my mind. Preventing my beauty sleep. More like hybernating.

Results of not falling asleep is definitely not waking up after I finally did.

I woke up at 8:59 . Meaning school was beginning in

I bolted into the shower and quickly washed of the remnants of all sleep . Two minutes later and I'm running down the street as fast as I can.

Talk about Speedy Gonzalez .

I stumbled into the halls panting and sweating like a dying pig.

Shit! Hall monitor.

"You! Detention! "The boy shouted.

"Why are you shouting. I'm the only one here. "

"Make that two detentions. "

"Ugh! "

"Another word and it'll be three ."

I slowly made my way to my locker. I'm already really late so what does it matter.

I entered the math lab slowly .

"Why are you late Mrs.Thomas. "

This again !

"I woke up late. "

"Detention! "


"What's with everybody and detention. Ugh."

"Are you begging for two days. "

"No, I already have three ."

I took a seat and soon after fell asleep.


I thought detention was bad. It actually isn't. Well if you minus the attendance of Ryder it's all good.

Turns out Ryder's brother, Logan, is a six year old and I'm babysitting him so Ryder can go to a party.It was all blackmail.

On my way back to my house Ryder offered me a lift but to save me from such horrible tension I refused. Besides the walks home help clear my mind.

"Mother, I'm babysitting next door. Is that Okay? "I asked.

"Yes. As long as you text me every hour on an update as to what you're doing. "

Yes she's a handful. Scratch that. A truck load.... filled with bricks.

I went up to my room and finally settled on wearing a fitted black shirt and a black pair of jeans .I made my way over to Ryder's house at about 6:00 .

I knocked on the door and to my utter surpise Logan opened the door.

"Wy, thewe's a pweety giwl at the doow . "he shouted ,completely messing up his R's for W's because of the disappearance of his two front teeth.

"Logan! I told you don't open the door! Just wait for me next time. Okay. "He said while coming down the stairs.

"She'll be your babysitter for tonight . Be good Okay. "

"Youw cuwfew is twelve. "The little boy shouted at his departing brother .

"Pweety giwl will you play twucks with me. "

"Sure ,uhh ...loggy. "I said smiling.

I already love this little boy.

There you go people

I've began writing a book. Twin swap. You should check it out. Not the best. Maybe not even good. Just check it out.

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