Chapter 7--Is it Druken Jealousy?

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I don't know what happened but all I can remember is being handed a green cup with a dark brown liquid and drinking it.

I think I'm drunk.

No, I can't be drunk!

I stumbled onto the dance floor covered with sweaty bodies and girls in indecent clothing. Skimpy outfits and down right horrendous clothing.

I moved my waist to the best of my ability. Side to side, Left to right I reminded my drunk self to prevent looking like a fool.

Imagine seeing the nerd of the school getting it on, on the dance floor. Moving her waist from left to right.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist. I turned to see a random dude.

"HEY handsome. " holy cheesecake where did that come from.

"HEY cutie patutie. "

He didn't look quite drunk but looks could be deceiving.
Although he was a random dude I could feel myself slowly giving in to the feeling of being wild and free. I felt like a... a ...a bird.

A bird that just learnt how to fly and was waiting to leave mother's nest for years now.


I stumbled into the house after one of most wicked times of my life.

I was no longer tipsy, I was above cloud nine. I walked up the stairs making way to much noise. I was destined to wake my mother.

I entered my room and turned on the light. I jumped at the sight. My mother was sitting nicely on my bed.

"Where were you young lady. "

I laughed at her face of fury. "I wass outtt ."

"Are you drunk! "She screeched.

"I donn't knoow. "I laughed.

"Young lady,you are grounded for the  rest of the year. "

"Okay ,but we're in October right.? "

"No, we're in July. "

"What! "She strolled out the room.

From July to December. Woah roughly 6 months.

Eh, it could've been worse. Get real, it's my mother. My living hell hole. Sometimes I wish I had a different mother.

Hello people. What's up. About three days earlier. Whoop! Whoop!

I'm gonna try to keep it up .

I want to say great thanks to Writers-Anonymous for helping me out in my time of writers block !!

See ya on Saturday .If not before.

Random dude --Paul Wesley (I think )


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