Chapter 6--Party & Jealousy

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Ryder's P.O.V

"Come on, his parents are out of town for the week. "

" I said no Ryder, you should be able to accept the fact that I do not want to come,and you should be able to let me make my own decisions . "

"Please! " wait, why am I doing this? I basically have complete control over her. "Or else. "I waved my phone before her face.I hated doing this but it was only way I could get her to do things for me. If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit lazy.

"Okay, I'll come to the party." She sighed with a grim expression .

"Good, 9:00.p.m,be ready."

"But! That's my bed time! "

"Sneak out. "

"My mother would kill me if she found out. "

"She won't find out. "

"You don't know my mother, she finds out everything. I don't know how. "

"Well get your shit together, that's none of my business. "

"Well thank you for the great advice. "She muttered angrily while slamming her window shut and closing her blinds.

I went down to the kitchen to find my mother feeding Logan "He's six mother,I'm sure he can eat on his own. "I said.

She just shook her head and continued feeding him like a 2 year old.

Hailey's P.O.V

I put on any random clothes from my closet and my glasses. I then made my way out of the house sneakily.

If my mother finds out I'm dead meat.

I finally made it. I hoped into Ryder's black Ferrari . I absolutely loved it.

Shh, don't tell him.

We made it to the house. Scratch that, the mansion. It was extravagant. It looked trillion dollar worthy.

The music was ear crushing. Not a word could be distinguished from such horrendous noise. It was almost like what Ryder listened to but way worse. The difference is, in Ryder's I could hear it was an awful type of music but in this one I couldn't distinguish music from screams. High pitched,painful screams.

We entered the vibrating house. Yes, vibrating. It was vibrating.


I was lost. Trying to find the kitchen was pretty hard. I also lost Ryder a long time ago.

I think I found it. Yes. I hope there's food!

As I pushed the door open I saw Ryder sucking face with Emma. Another school slut.

I felt a pang of jealousy.

What do I like Ryder. No. No! No! I don't. There was no pang of jealousy. No! No! None.

I saw no snacks but rather tons of liquor . What kind of party doesn't have food. I saw one coke in the far corner of the cooler. I grabbed it and went on with my life.

Constantly telling myself I don't like Ryder.

But do I?


Salut ! Ça va bien ?

I updated right on target. Basically. It doesn't matter if it's 11:10 but it's still Tuesday.

What's your favorite foreign language.

Mine is French. Français.

A samedi mon amie (I think that's French )

Next update: Saturday


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