Chapter 26~~Falling deeper

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Ryder's P.O.V.

"Where should I take her? The zoo?"

"No? If you kiss you'd be surrounded by animals. It's not even romantic ."

"The park? "

"To childish. "

"The beach? "

"To exposing. "

"The movies? "

"To cliché. I've read books Ryder. I know my stuff unlike somebody I know. "

"What type of books do you read? "

"The type that you're to young for. "

"If you're such an expert tell me where I should bring her then? "

"To a restaurant. Nothing fancy. A casual place. Somewhere she'll feel comfortable. Take her to Fire and Ice. "

"Why? "

"The seats are arranged in an angle perfect for kissing . "

"How do you know all this. You're like a freaking walking Google. "

"Some of us human beings ,unlike you, are born with a brain, common sense and wisdom. "

"Get out of my room! "

"Geesh someone can't take a little jab to their ego. "


I made reservations at 'Fire & Ice ' then told Hailey to be ready for seven. I also told her to dress casually.

When 6:55 p.m rolled over I was dressed in a black T-shirt and blue jeans . I walked over to Hailey's house and knocked on the door.

An old lady answered the door. She beamed at me.

"You must be Ryder. I'm Sienna, Hailey's grandmother. Hailey has said so much about you. "

For real! This must be a dream .

"Stop lying granny. I've only told you his name, everything else you said." Hailey muttered while walking down the spiral staircase.

I better keep dreaming.

"Well kids you should get going. Your curfew is 4 a.m, don't forget. "

"Granny I'll be no later than 9 p.m. "

"If you come here any earlier than 10 p.m you're grounded. "


"We have reservations for Ryder West. "

"Right this way sir. "A middle aged woman by the name of Catherine said.

She directed us to the seat I specifically asked for.

She handed us the menus then said "Your server will be with you in a while. "

I took a once over at the menu and knew exactly what I was going to order.

A Bacon and cheese Burger and fries.

"So what are you getting? "I asked.

"I don't know really. The ribs sound so good ,but the taco does too. "

"I don't know . My brother recommended this place to me. "

"Your brother? As in Logan? "

"Yes my brother. As in Logan. "

"You're kidding. Right? "

"No.I'm totally serious. "

"That's unbelievable. "

"I'm totally seri ..."the server interrupted me.

"What should I get for you two? "

"We 'll have one taco, split in two, and ribs ,also split in two. "

"Any drinks? "

"I'll have a coke. "I said.

"I'll have a vanilla milkshake. "

She left silently.

"Why didn't you order what you originally wanted. "

"Because that's what you wanted. "

"But it's not what you wanted. "

"It doesn't matter . What's done is done. "


Hailey and I just talked to each other about random stuff before the food came.

After eating Hailey's face was covered in sauce.

"You look so funny! "I laughed.

She blushed! She blushed! Her checks turned red . Beet red! I made her blush!

"You look even cuter when you blush. "

She blushed even more ...if that was even possible.

I just can't get enough of this girl!

Chapter 26 is Done!

This is amazing!

I hope you like!

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