Chapter 38 ~~Lies. Lies !LIES !

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Hailey's P.O.V

I didn't know whether or not to believe him .

I felt bad for being so harsh on him.

Maybe he is telling the truth, but at the same time maybe he's not .

This is why I never wanted a boyfriend .

"Hey ... Hailey."

"What's up mom?"

"I'm going back to Paris. Could I trust you here or get grandma to come. ?"

"I think you can trust me ".

"Okay, I trust you. Just no partying. "

"Really ... you think I would party. That hurt mom. That hurt. Right in the heart. "

"I'm sorry, it's the only thing that came to mind. "

"That's what they all say. "I joked.

"Funny... very funny ."she deadpanned.

"While I'm away I'd like if you'd forgive Ryder. You guys were such a cute couple. You were made for each other. So by the time I get back you two should be back together. Got it! "

"No not really. "

"How could you possibly not get it! "

"I want to give him some space especially since he had a nightmare about me. "

"I'll be away for 6 months, I think you have enough time. "

"Okay, I'll try. After I give him his space! ".

"Okay. "

"Moving on from that topic .What are you bringing back for me? "

"A token of appreciation. "

"That sounds so formal! Now tell me exactly what you're bringing for me. "

"A surprise. "

"Not like that. Tell me if you're bringing a pony or a unicorn. "

"I'm bringing you something nice. "

"Mommy!!! "I dragged.

"Yes Hailey. "

"Tell me what you're bringing for me! "I whined.

"I'm bringing you treats. "

"I give up! "

"Finally! I was about to crack. But not anymore ."she laughed.

My mother left my room soon after our chat.

I stood to my feet and went to the bathroom to freshen up on this beautiful Saturday morning.

When I was done I changed to a pair of shorts and a tank top and I opened my blindfolds.

I almost fell when I saw Ryder looking right at my mirror.

What is he doing?

Probably thinking up ways to get me back for all the things I told him.

He never blinked, or turned away. He just stayed and stared .

I watched at his beautiful face that was now pale. His bright eyes was now dim. He looked sick.

Probably sick of seeing me.

Being the good person I am I closed my blindfolds and walked away from the window.

At least I saved him from something.

Ryder's P.O.V

I stared at her window for hours upon hours .

She finally opened her blinds with a small smile on her face. Her eyes were sparkling bright. Her face was as beautiful as ever.

She was happy without me in her life.
Her smile dropped a bit.

It must be the sight of me.

She closed her blindfolds and that just broke my heart.

She hates me, even more than I hate myself.

"Ryder! There's someone at the door for you! "My mother shouted.

"C-coming! "My voice broke. I wiped away the few tears that fell from my eye and hurried downstairs.

It might just be Hailey! Beautiful. Beautiful Hailey.

I reached downstairs to be greeted by Sasha .

"Hey Ryder! "She said.

"Yeah... Hey. "

"Can we go upstairs? We will go upstairs! "She said then dragged me to my bedroom.

Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

She sat on my bed and ushered me to sit near her.

I did as asked then asked "what are you doing here? "

"Can't a girlfriend come meet her boyfriend? "

"Yes, but you're not my girlfriend. "

"Yes I am don't deny it baby. "She said while touching my chest.

"Get your hands off of me you filth! "

"No can do. "She said while pushing her lips to mine in a rough kiss. I tried to stop but I couldn't so I put my guard down and enjoyed myself.

Hailey's P.O.V

I opened my window not long after, to apologise to Ryder but he was so deep in what he was doing he didn't notice me.

He was on top of Sasha kissing roughly .

He knew I hated her to no end .

He knew his window was open.

He knew I could see them.

Clothing was quickly getting off of them when I closed the window.

I didn't know he would have moved on so fast.

I ran to my mother's room, to find her finishing up her packing, and cried in her arms.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"He moved on! He's kissing another girl! He... he's forgotten about me. "

Ryder's P.O.V.

All through out I thought about Hailey. She wouldn't get out of my head.

"Stop! I can't do this! I'm in love with someone! And you're getting in between our relationship. "

"What relationship? The nonexistent one? I know what's going on with you and Hailey. I saw her kissing her best friend , is it David, no Daniel. I don't know really. They were in the storage room when I entered. "

"Why were you in the storage room? "

"Daniel and I were ...that doesn't matter. The point is they uh were there. "

"Oh really. "I said then I finished off what I started with Sasha.

There ya go !

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