pietro • jealous?

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of course you didn't notice, you were too busy dying with laughter, "hey! that wasn't funny!" clint snapped, but you could see the amused look on his face, you just laughed as a reply, making him grab you from behind and spin you weirdly to shut you up.

during this, pietro became angry, he had blocked out the sound of jocelyn talking and was now madly watching, his chest starting to rise and fall, he looked down at clints hands wrapped around your waist and both of your wide smiles and something just snapped.

pietro got up, "pietro, where are yo-" jocelyn stopped once pietro was in the crowd of people, she watched confused until he was out of sight. before you could process what was happening, pietro had a grip on your waist and pulled you away from clint.

"pietro?! what the hell!" you snapped, looking at him glare at you, "what do you want?"
"are you two a thing?" he asked with his eyebrows knitted together, ignoring your question, "are we a what?!" you repeated, "a thing?! are you two dating!?"

you snorted, "why the hell wou-"
"yeah, we are." clint shrugged simply, pulling you closer to him, you looked at him a little confused, pietro's eyes widened, "really?!" he asked with disbelief, more looking at you then clint, you shrugged, nodding, playing along with clint.

pietro stared at you for a solid twenty seconds before looking away and scratching the back of his neck, he sniffed and nodded, looking everywhere but at you, "right.." he nodded, "got it.." you watched him closely and it seriously looked like he was fighting back tears, his eyes had gone glossy and he was sniffing every ten seconds.

"pietro?" you asked confused, "are you okay?" he looked at you, a look that made you feel ridiculous for asking, "i'm fine." pietro said blankly, "but i have to drive home now. bye."

you watched pietro walk out the doors of the club, you looked to clint, then him, then back.

"he'll be okay.." clint told you, not even believing it himself, you nodded though, "he was drunk? i'm sure he didn't mea- oh god he was drunk! fuck, he can't drive!? i need to call him a cab!" you told clint, running out to find him.

pietro was nowhere to be seen outside, the cold nipped at your skin as you searched the parked cars at the side of the road for him, but nowhere.

"Y/N?" you held a weak voice speak from behind you, you turned and say pietro sitting against the club building, where people would usually smoke.

"pietro? i thought you were going home?" you asked him calmly, he watched at you, "i am.." with that he got up, stumbled in the slightest and got out his keys, "no, pietro, you can't drive, you could hurt yourself."
"wouldn't be the worst pain.." he mumbled, finding the right key and starting to walk to his car. you pulled him back, "shut up." you told him blankly, taking his wrist and walking you both to a cab waiting outside, you helped pietro inside, told the cab driver the address and closed the door.

"Y/N wait?" pietro rolled down the window, "..come with me?" he mumbled, you shook your head, "clint is inside, i can't leave him, pietro."

pietro looked at you with a hint of desperation, "please, Y/N?" he asked in a whisper, you bit your lip and thought about it, before opening the door and getting into the cab in silence, starting to drive off.

"..i miss you." pietro spoke quietly, you tried to shush him, knowing it wouldn't end well, "pietro, you're dru-"
"i had two beers, Y/N, i'm fine, well no i'm not..."
you looked at him confused but tried to show little interest.

he sighed, scratching his head, "i'm a mess, Y/N, it's been hell, i hate waking up in the morning and not hearing you humming in the shower or cuddled up beside me sleeping, it feels like shit when i train by myself, without you there going at a punching bag like.." he chuckled softly, a faint smile on his face like he was thinking of a memory, "like it's me when i piss you off?"

you watched him, he had gotten closer to you then he orginally was, "Y/N, i was so fucking stupid, i never cheated on you, at all, but i know i didn't spend much time with you, you are a fucking princess, my prințesă? i would never do anything to hurt you, why i agreed to break up i don't know? maybe because i'm an idiot? but i love you, Y/N, i will always love y-"

you interrupted him by grabbing his face and kissing him, pietro was shocked but eventually he grabbed onto your waist and pulled you onto his knee, kissing you passionately, you ran your hands through his hair, missing the feeling of it, he started kissing around your jaw and neck, speaking between kisses, "god i love you" he panted, leaving another kiss, "i love you," another, "i love you," another, "i love you" another. "i love you too, pietro," you whispered back, staying close to him.

a smile spread across pietro's face, he had his prințesă back.

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