Chapter Twenty-Seven: Family Reunion

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Gently brushing his fingers over the small bump that Gisela carried, Sergio couldn't help but smile at the fact that his pups lay inside; he was surprised that she was already beginning to show and it only supported his theory that she'd have more than one. 

The last four weeks had been very peaceful since the mating had been completed, it hadn't escaped any of the neighbours' notice how territorial Sergio and Fernando had become when it came to their home and Gisela. 

Gisela made a small noise in her sleep making Sergio sigh, he would have to leave soon to get to his next fight; he was just waiting for Fernando to come home from work to keep an eye on her. 

The last thing that either male wanted was for something to happen to Gisela, she was practically never alone and Sergio was doing his best to make sure that he was more reliant on his farm work than the cage fighting. 

Sergio had made up his mind that he would quit before the pups were born, he hadn't told Gisela yet but it was something that he had talked about with Fernando; he only continued for now to earn extra cash for when the pups were born in September. 

"I love you," Sergio whispered ducking down and kissing Gisela's cheek, he quietly left her to rest knowing that she was going to need it; the fact that she was carrying more than one pup suggested that she was going to be exhausted towards the end of her pregnancy. 

Even now Sergio and Fernando could see how easily she became drained, they did as much as they could for her knowing that there was no way in hell that they would allow anyone else to get close to them. 

The last thing that they needed was for someone to go running back to Madrid and telling the government that Gisela Garcia was still alive; it would only bring death to their door when they were meant to be focusing on the pups.


Sergio took a deep breath as he stepped out of the cage, he had won another fight and the money from this one would go on a bed for the pups when they were born; he smiled knowing that the guest bedroom was becoming a lovely little nursery. 

Fernando had been painting it for the past couple of weeks, it wasn't much but it was a start and the room would be finished before the pups were even born. 

Shaking hands with people that he passed, Sergio focused on the fact that he could now go home; he was thrilled with that knowledge knowing that Gisela sometimes had problem sleeping if he and Fernando both weren't there of a night. 

"You're Gypsy?" a man asked stopping Sergio, he stared at him for a moment almost unsure about what he was about to do; he knew there was every chance his information was wrong but he hoped it wasn't. 

His wife had come with him tonight after learning that this was the one they had been looking for, she had been disgusted with the fight but hadn't been able to look away as she prayed that this was their lost little boy. 

"I am," Sergio confirmed eyeing the man warily, he wasn't in the mood to talk with some fan and he could only guess that the woman hovering was his wife; he prayed this wasn't another offer to marry their daughter or something. 

Sergio knew he smelt like Fernando and Gisela, it was something that he prided himself in especially since it showed that he was bound to a family; he would protect his family until his last breath. 

"Sergio," the man said not knowing what to say, he looked at him wondering if he remembered being taken from him and Paqui; they just wanted their son back after all these years.

José María had been watching Sergio fight for months now, he'd had no idea until the record office had sent out what little information that they had on Sergio that this was the son that he had been looking for. 

"I'm sorry," Sergio murmured not sure how this complete stranger knew his real name, it wasn't something that was announced here and it set him on edge; he could only imagine what he would do if this was some sort of threat that had followed them here. 

"You're name is Sergio Ramos," José María said wanting to know if this was his son, he was sure it was and he knew that René and Mirian would be thrilled to meet their little brother at last. It had taken them some time to get used to one another but they were a family now. 

The world seemed to stop for Sergio, he never disclosed his full name to anyone but those he trusted and he had no idea how this man knew who he was; he could see the man's wife approaching and he suddenly felt like he had to leave. 

"My name is José María Ramos, this is my wife Paqui Garcia... I am your padre," José María revealed hoping that Sergio would be able to accept this and they would be able to be a family; he was so curious about his son's life and he prayed that he had done the right thing. 

There was no home address that they had been able to find so speaking to Sergio at the fight cages had been their only option; the couple had spent months praying that they would be able to find all their children again without discovering that one of them had died. 

"I can't do this right now," Sergio blurted out before he turned on his heel and rushed away, he couldn't deal with the fact that his parents had tracked him down and he knew that this would change things. 

It had sort of been an unspoken agreement between him and Fernando that they would never go looking for their parents in fear of what they might find.


Fernando jumped awake hearing Sergio return home, he peeked down at Gisela who only snuffled in her sleep; she turned onto her side trying to get comfortable but he was glad that she hadn't woken. 

Slowly climbing out of bed, Fernando made sure not to disturb Gisela before he headed downstairs to see what was going on; he could sense that something had upset Sergio through their bond. 

"They found me," Sergio whispered throwing himself at Fernando when the other reached the bottom of the stairs, he had no idea how to feel right now but this wasn't part of their plans. 

They had just settled down and Sergio knew that there was no way that he could deal with his parents coming back into his life; he wanted to focus on his own small family right now. 

"Who did?" Fernando asked not sure who Sergio was talking about, fear gripped him and he suddenly wondered if he should have woken Gisela up so that they could flee. 

There were a number of people that they didn't want finding them and they all gave them cause to run for their lives especially with pups on the way. 

"My parents," Sergio revealed feeling horrible about this, he couldn't bring himself to even look into Fernando's eyes frightened of what he might find. 

Fernando's heart dropped knowing that this hadn't been what he had expected, he was entirely unsure of what to say to Sergio about what was happening now. 

"I am so sorry Nando, I should have been more careful," Sergio whimpered knowing that this changed things, he closed his eyes wishing that he could have been more careful about what he had been doing.

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