Chapter Nineteen: A Whole New World

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Gisela sighed brushing her fingers against the mark that Sergio had given her, she hadn't seen him in days and she couldn't help but wonder how long this would be for; she couldn't imagine being parted from him for years. 

Gisela yawned softly and peeked back at Fernando's sleeping form, she knew he was struggling with being away from Sergio and she doubted it would ever get easier; she understood why he had been forced to leave but that didn't mean she didn't miss him. 

"Ela?" Fernando murmured sleepily, he smiled watching her in the moonlight and he didn't have to guess to know that she was thinking about Sergio. 

Slowly climbing out of bed, Fernando moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist; the long sleeve nightie that she was wearing did little to keep her warm and he pulled her into his arms. 

"When will he be back?" Gisela asked quietly, she stared up at Fernando knowing that he knew more about what was going on in the world that she did right now; she could only imagine the mess that had been caused by the rebellion. 

Fernando kissed her softly, he knew that things would take time to return to normal and the world would be better for it; no one would ever suffer again and he was going to make sure that Gisela was kept safe. 

It didn't escape Gisela's attention that Fernando had avoided answering her question, she had a feeling that she was missing something and she didn't like it; she was tired of being kept in the dark even if she knew that he was just trying to protect her. 

"Nando?" Gisela asked brushing her fingers through his hair, she wanted to help in any way that she could even if it was safer for her to be hidden away right now. 

Shaking his head, Fernando kissed her again not wanting her to worry and knowing that Sergio was dealing with it; there was a price on her head and he knew it wouldn't go away soon.


Fernando pulled on his jacket glad that there had been some clothes prepared for him and Sergio when they had arrived at the safe house; he peeked at Gisela knowing that he was doing his best to find her clothes to wear. 

Things were still a nightmare and with the price on her head, Fernando didn't want to risk taking Gisela into town; she was safer at home than anywhere else in the world right now. 

Gisela didn't say a word as she watched Fernando get ready to leave, he had to go the shops and she hated that she was forced to stay behind; she guessed that it wasn't safe for her to leave yet. 

People would be looking for Gisela Garcia, they would want to hurt the wife of Carlos even if she had never done anything wrong and had been a prisoner herself. 

No one would see that though, no one would care that she had been forced to marry Carlos and they would all only see her as his wife; things would take a while to calm down. 

"I'll be back soon," Fernando promised kissing Gisela, he held her close for a moment not fond of the idea of leaving her home alone; he had little choice until things calmed down. 

The last thing that he wanted was for people to recognise Gisela and starting a mob, Fernando could only do so much to protect her and he wasn't going to fail her now. 

Gisela nodded her head, she didn't say a word not wanting to make Fernando feel guilty about the fact that she didn't want to be left home alone. 

Fernando sighed before he walked out of the house, he closed the door securely behind him and he prayed that Sergio would be able to get rid of the trouble that seemed to have followed Gisela. 

Carlos might have been dead but his actions were still haunting Gisela, there were a lot of people who wanted revenge for what he had done to them and Gisela was now the main target.


Tiredly running his fingers through his hair, Sergio made his way down the corridor knowing that things were not working out like he had hoped; he hated that a lot of the wolves just seemed to want revenge for what had happened. 

Sergio had kept his head down during the meetings, he was listening out for any signs that finally some laws would be put in place to prevent humans being hunted for crimes they had no part in and a proper justice system being put in place. 

It worried him how things had been planning out and Sergio had revealed his mating to Gisela to only one person; he trusted Iker Casillas not to do anything and he had explained what had happened during her marriage to Carlos. 

Sergio didn't want to believe that everyone was going to spend their lives just wanting to torture one another, he was suddenly glad that Gisela was hidden away in a house that no one knew existed and wouldn't be able to find. 

"Sergio," Iker called making Sergio stop, he looked back at his friend and walked over to him wondering if everything was okay. 

The two men walked into a private room and Iker closed the door after them, he looked at Sergio knowing that things were tense and the last thing that he wanted was for this piece of news to get out. 

"Is everything okay?" Sergio asked knowing that they were meant to be in a meeting, he didn't want to be late and he was hopeful that they could make some progress today. 

Iker nodded his head, he had no idea what was going to happen when he told Sergio and he doubted his friend was going to be happy about what had been agreed on.

"They're all finally agreed to stop the hunting of humans and a proper justice system," Iker revealed knowing that they had spent days trying to get this to happen, they wanted peace and that was only going to happen if everyone agreed. 

Sergio felt a weight lift from his shoulders, he didn't know how Iker had made this happen but he knew that things were finally starting to turn around. 

"That's great," Sergio said nodding his head, he looked at his friend knowing that they had spent hours trying to get this to happen; he couldn't wait to share the news with Fernando and Gisela. 

However the look on Iker's face made Sergio's stomach turn, he should have guessed that there was something that they wanted more than the right to hunt humans. 

"Iker?" Sergio asked wanting to know what his friend had agreed to, he was sure they would be able to deal with it; he didn't like the look on Iker's face and it was starting to worry him. 

Iker swallowed, he knew that there was no way that this could end well and he prayed that Sergio would forgive him for what he had agreed to. 

"They'll only sign off on it... if they are allowed to publicly execute Gisela along with several others," Iker revealed watching Sergio closely, he hated that this was the only way and he'd had no other choice but to agree especially when it meant hurting Sergio. 

The room was silent for a moment as Iker's words sunk in, Sergio didn't say a word as anger moved through his body; he stared at the friend that had betrayed him and his family. 

"I've already sent someone to collect her... I am so sorry Sergio but it's for the greater good," Iker mumbled just as two guards appeared to stop Sergio from leaving; they didn't want him hiding Gisela away again and this had to happen no matter what.

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