Chapter Sixteen: Beginning of the End

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Gisela took a deep breath as she smoothed out her twist front dress, she hadn't seen Fernando or Sergio all day and she guessed that they were busy preparing for the rebellion; she sighed knowing that she wished she knew what was going on. 

Carlos had returned from his business trip and Gisela could only imagine what would happen when everything kicked off; she dreaded to think how he would react. 

Shaking her head and getting to her feet, Gisela looked at herself in the mirror for a moment before she brushed some hair from her face; she had no idea what Carlos wanted to see her for, she guessed it had something to do with the fact that it was New Year's Eve. 

Gisela couldn't wait for the day that she no longer called that man her husband, it made her feel sick whenever she even thought about it and she wanted nothing more than to focus on the future that she would have with Fernando and Sergio. 

The two wolves had reassured her that when the rebellion came that she would be safe, Gisela would be forced to lay low for a little while until things calmed down. 

Fernando would take her to a safe house that had been assigned to the family and he would keep Gisela safe until Sergio joined them after a few days. 

Gisela didn't care what happened as long as they were all okay, she didn't want to lose the two people that meant everything to her now; she had nothing else but them in this nightmare. 

Leaving her bedroom, Gisela mentally prepared herself for whatever Carlos had planned for tonight; she wished that she had her boys with her right now but there was no sign of them and she hoped that everything was alright. 

Gisela left the apartment, completely unaware of what was planned for that night and how much her life was going to change over the next few days; nothing was going to be the same again.


Fernando watched Sergio tampered with the locks on the house, it wouldn't be long now until the rebellion kicked off and they both knew that the house would be fair game to anyone that wanted to target it. 

"Do you think Ela will be okay?" Fernando murmured looking around, they had killed several of the staff that had gotten in their way; they needed to make sure that word of this didn't get out. 

Sergio brushed his fingers through his hair, he looked at Fernando and he knew that things were going to be tough; the last thing that they needed was for something to happen. 

"We won't let her out of our sight," Sergio said not wanting to think about what might happen, things were complex enough right now without them having to worry about a slight slip up. 

Carlos being back complicated things and the two wolves were sure that when hell went down that he would lash out at the one person that he could hurt. 

Gisela had a massive target on her back, it wasn't only wolves that would want to hurt her but humans as well; the moment that Carlos was dead there would be a power vacuum and anyone who wanted to control his empire would need Gisela to do it. 

Fernando and Sergio had done their best to keep Gisela completely in the dark about how much danger she was truly in; they didn't want to scare her when there was enough going on. 

"We should head back," Fernando murmured looking around, he didn't like leaving Gisela alone for long and the house was oddly silent; he wanted to make sure she was okay. 

The two wolves silently headed back to bedroom, they both kept to the shadows so that they didn't attract any attention; they didn't need more problems when everything was so close.

Fernando open his mouth to say something when there was two sharp gun shots, he felt his stomach drop at the sounds and he looked at Sergio panicked; this wasn't meant to happen and he felt sick. 

"Fine Gisela now," Sergio ordered before taking off in the direction of the noise, his heart pounded in his chest knowing that the noise could only have been caused by Carlos. 

Sergio doubted that the businessman would have actually had the guts to end his own life, he was terrified about what he might find when he found the human that had caused enough pain in his life. 

Fernando watched Sergio disappear before he rushed towards the apartment, he ignored the panicked looks of the staff as they all rushed around and he knew this was just the beginning; he prayed that he was wrong. 

Hurrying into the apartment, Fernando started to tear the place apart while he attempted to find Gisela; with every empty room, he felt sick when he couldn't find his mate anywhere. 

Fernando hands shook as he stood in the hallway, he didn't want to think where Gisela was if she wasn't here; she wouldn't have gone far and the gunshots were still ringing in Fernando's ears. 

Dropping to his knees, Fernando started to pray and he hoped that someone was listening to him; he didn't want to believe that Carlos had killed Gisela, he was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't see Talina slowly sneaking up behind him with a knife in her hands. 

Hearing the creak of the floor board behind him, Fernando barely had chance to turn around before Talina launched herself at him with the knife in her hand.


Gisela clapped a hand over her mouth as she attempted to stifle her cries, she stared at the dead body on the floor and she couldn't believe what was happening; she was actually free of Carlos but another nightmare was just beginning. 

Antonio wiped down the gun that he had in his hands, he knew that Carlos would be dead anyway by morning and this way he could claim everything that he owed. 

Turning to look at Gisela, Antonio grinned pleased with himself, she was the key to getting his hands on everything that Carlos had owed; he would make himself out to be the hero and then marry Gisela to get his hands on everything. 

"You won't be telling anyone about this," Antonio threatened walking over to Gisela, he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet; he made sure to press down on the broken wrist that she had gotten from Carlos making her cry out in pain. 

Gisela whimpered, she tried to pull back from Antonio but he kept a firm hold on her; she didn't like the crazed look in his eyes and she had a horrible feeling what he might have planned for her. 

"You'll do perfectly... a lot nicer than his last few wives," Antonio murmured pushing Gisela back onto Carlos's desk, he started to undo his belt while he made sure that Gisela couldn't escape him; he was sure that the old man was shooting blanks if he hadn't been able to get Gisela pregnant in the seven months they been married. 

Gisela tried to fight Antonio off and pleaded with him not to do this, she felt the tears trail down her face; she wanted this to all end and she had no idea why this kept happening to her. 

Antonio grinned pulling Gisela close, he would have her pregnant faster than Carlos and he would secure his grip on his empire; Antonio froze as there was a noise behind him and something buried itself into the back of his head.

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